
时间:2022-07-04 12:11:33


对于《私人飞机》的读者来说,要不要送孩子去海外留学不是一个需要讨论的问题。家长所纠结的,是去哪个国家读书,什么时候去,要不要寄宿,几岁出去最合适等技术细节。必益教育(BE Education)的总裁威廉(William Vanbergen)在全球最富盛名的伊顿公学度过了他的中学时光,他的父亲和祖父也都曾是伊顿生。祖父Vivian Vanbergen曾获得“飞行功勋十字勋章”,父亲Richard Vanbergen是英国知名创业家,80年代就曾登上泰晤士富豪排行榜。如今这位贵族后裔将英式教育带入中国,并为本地家庭提供海外留学的咨询和协助。据说,伊顿的中国学生,50%都是他送去的。


For China’s wealthy and even middle-class families, sending kids to overseas schools is never a question of whether but where and when. We found an old Etonian in Shanghai who has built up a reputable business assisting those families in making these most important decisions. William Vanbergen, the name alone suggests pedigree. It was no surprise that his grandfather Vivian Vanbergen had been awarded the “Distinguished Flying Cross” while serving for the Royal Air Force. And his father Richard Vanbergen was a high-profile entrepreneur on Times Rich List as early as the 1980s. Unsurprisingly also, we heard that the three generations were all from Eton.

But I was still shocked to see such a young, vivacious, boyish-looking tall man in a short-sleeved T-shirt on such a freezing rainy winter’s day. William CAN talk. Let’s hear what he has to say about boarding school, and especially Eton.

William’s Story







伊顿有一项非常具有特色的运动叫做“墙战”(Wall Game)――墙的两侧各有15名学生,在泥泞中厮杀90分钟,有点像橄榄球。过去100年还没有学生破门得分呢。







I went to boarding school at seven. My parents were extremely busy, especially my father, whom I hardly saw. But when he did have time, he taught me how to play chess, and I learned about strategizing and analyzing your opponents. My father also took me running in the mountain until I was exhausted. He kept on saying, faster, faster! He made me realize that as long as you work hard, there is nothing you cannot achieve.

My parents did three great things for me. Apart from chess and running, it was sending me to boarding school. My grandfather and my father all went to boarding school, so that was a natural decision. But my parents couldn’t quite figure out how to tell me about it. In the end, they told me nothing. One morning, my mom packed my things and started crying. My dad drove me to school. The school was so big; it took us an hour on the tour. Then my father disappeared. I asked the teacher where he had gone. They said, “Don’t worry; they will pick you up six weeks later for the mid-term break.” I found out only then that I was in boarding school.

I was in a prep school. Most of the kids were already 8. Prep schools prepare kids for boarding schools and I arrived at the Eton at 13.

Eton is arguably THE most famous school in the entire world, but it is not famous for doing well in exams. Indeed in the last 30 or 35 years, there was just one year it did come on top of the league table. In China, you would imagine parents ringing up the headmaster and saying, congratulations, well done! But not the Eton parents. They demanded to know why children were forced to work so hard on exams, and how on earth they could develop properly if they spent all the time revising for exams?

Eton is really famous for one thing producing leaders. David Cameron is the 19th British prime minister (another one from Thailand, making the total 20) coming from that one school. Eton gives its students enormous confidence in themselves, making them believe that if they work hard enough, they can achieve whatever goals they set for themselves. And that takes place outside the classroom. To cultivate leadership, the first thing is sports. Sports build up your physique, your lungs and heart, making sure you can keep going for the next 40 years. It teaches you teamwork, and how to get on and corporate with one and another to achieve the desired results. Doing sports all day also shows you the association between efforts and reward. When you run faster than anyone else, you have the opportunity to strike first and score a goal.

One of Eton’s specialty is the Wall Game, which to be honest, you have to be slightly mad to thrive. It is essentially rugby with 15 people played by the side of a wall, hurting each other in the mud for 90 minutes. Interestingly enough, nobody has ever scored a goal in over 100 years.

As you go up in the school, you have the opportunity to lead different teams, societies or clubs, in a safe environment where it doesn’t matter if you make mistakes. And each time you make a mistake, you learn so much more from it. Later in life, when you lead a country, run a company or lead a big scientific research project, you are ableto make the right decisions when it really matters.

There are three main advantages to boarding schools. First, it saves a lot of commuting times, which could be used to learn things and develop personalities. When I was seven, I wasquite happy to be sitting in a car with my mom for an hour each way. But by the time I was ten, I would be mad in a car, not doing sports, arts, music and drama with my friends at school. At boarding schools, you are always doing something. Of course, if you choose to play computer games rather than doing your homework, it is entirely up to you. But you learn the consequence pretty immediately.

Secondly, you have a lot of opportunities performing on stage and building up your confidence. I was very shy when I was small. The first time I read out a chapter from the Bible in front of 500 people in a chapel, my legs were shaking and I was pretty sure I would have a heart attack. But when I finished, I found nobody was laughing at me, and I wasn’t dead. When I did it again and again, my confidence built up. Today I can speak in front of any audience with absolutely no problems.

Thirdly, contrary to what might be generally believed, boarding actually improves parent-children relationships. I have friends who went to both boarding schools day day schools, and I found boarders often have much closer relationships with their parents. Parents are no longer responsible for disciplining their children, instead they can play the supporting and nurturing role. Believe me, children do miss their parents they when are boarding. And when they do go home, it is quality time that everybody treasures.

Finally, teachers are professionals. They have dealt with thousands of children. They know exactly when to praise and encourage, when to remind and discipline. Parents and families not necessarily have the expertise to do so.

I have helped many children from China’s top society to go overseas for studies. Many extremely successful parents give their children absolutely everything to compensate for not spending enough time with them. This is not good for children. They would come to the conclusion that no matter what they want, the only thing they need to do is to ask mom or dad. At boarding school, they have to respect and get along with others, for nobody gets special treatment. People will find that those who have been to boarding schools are able to make friends very easily.

Ask William














Q: If food okay at British boarding school?

A: Awful! I am kidding. Actually the biggest change to British boarding schools over the last decade has been food. When I was at boarding school, food wasn’t so good. At my father’s time, it was disgusting. And in my grandfather’s days, they had beer for breakfast instead of breakfast. 10 years ago, when I took Chinese families to visit schools, I made sure we didn’t have lunch at school. But things have improved dramatically year on year. Today food is actually quite good and I’d rather have meals at school than hotels.

Q: Are there any weaknesses to British boarding schools?

A: Depends on where you go. There are hundreds of schools in the U.K., not all of them are equally good. Some are even quite bad.There has been bullying in some schools. But the stringent inspection system has almost wiped it out in most schools.ersonally I wouldn’t change a thing at Eton. Every child gets so many opportunities to develop. I cannot kick a ball, but at Eton I had the opportunity to become very good at rowing. It hurts and it takes a lot of teamwork. But if you can overcome the pain, work harder and harder, you will be amply rewarded.The most important thing is to find the right school for your kid. A good way is to observe what kind of children the seniors turn out to be. It is also quite important to meet with the headmaster and understand his/her philosophies.

Q: Will boarding school students be admitted to top British universities?

A: They have to pass exams. But schools prepare them so well that it is almost a given that they would migrate to good universities. If children don’t have what it takes to go to good universities, they wouldn’t have been admitted in the first place.

Q: Without the supervision of parents, will children continue to play piano and violin?

A: When I was a child I would rather play trumpet than doing academic work. Many boarding schools have their own orchestras and bands, music practice isn’t a problem. If a child stops playing piano, he/she must have found his/her true passion.

Q: What’s the suitable age to go boarding in the U.K.?

A:The younger the better, but the child needs to be comfortable with the decision. To top schools, boys at 13 and girls at 11. If you apply at this age, the acceptance rate is 1/10. If you apply to Eton at 16, it comes down to 1/200.

Q: What’s the difference between boarding schools in the U.S. and the U.K.?

A: That’s a big topic. You might want to check our weibo for Emma’s column on it.

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