笑面人生 第18期

时间:2022-07-02 11:47:46


Abstract:this article elaborated each small English turn of expression, grasped these turn of expression to be possible to cause us to express our meaning accurately in the Trans-Culture human relations, thus was the communication is smoother.

关键词:笑 种类 表达方式

key word:smiles type turn of expression

笑是一种感情传递方式。笑能表达我们的感情,沟通我们的思想,展示我们内心的世界;不同方式和不同种类的笑展示了不同的内涵。 那么笑的种类有哪些呢?我们知道在生活中我们面对不同的情况会表现出不同的笑脸,其中有微笑,咧嘴笑,满脸堆笑,暗自笑,讥笑,捧腹大笑,哄堂大笑等等。这些不同的表情,我们用英语又该如何表达呢?下面就是笔者收集的各种笑的英文表达方式,通过不断积累,我们就能更加准确地表达我们的思想,从而达到交流顺畅。

smile 微笑,例如:she was smiling broadly. 她在微笑。He smiled at Shelley. 他向谢利微笑。smiling faces. 微笑的面庞。He smiled his admiration of the great stone circle.他用微笑表达了他对宏伟石圈列石的赞美。当smile做及物动词讲的时候,含义是:露出(某种笑容)。例如:Guy smiled a grim smile. 盖伊露出一丝冷笑。

grin 咧嘴笑,露齿而笑,例如:Dennis appeared, grinning cheerfully. 丹尼斯出现了,高兴地咧着嘴笑。a grinning skull. 龇着牙的头骨。I know she is joking because she has a big grin on her face. 我知道她是在开玩笑, 因为她满脸笑容。She grinned with delight. 她高兴地咧开嘴笑。He was grinning proudly, delighted with his achievements. 他为自己的成就感到喜悦, 自豪地咧着嘴笑。She sat there grinning like a Cheshire cat while we tried to put the tent up.我们搭帐篷时,她坐在那里咧着嘴傻笑。

Beam面露喜色;满脸堆笑,例如:she beamed with pleasure. 她欣喜得满面笑容。a beaming smile. 灿烂的笑容。同时beam还可以表达微笑着流露出(感情),例如:the instructress beamed her approval. 女教官微笑着表示赞同

chuckle 轻声笑;暗自笑,例如:I chuckled at the astonishment on her face. 我暗自笑她脸上露出的惊讶表情。在直接引语中使用,例如:That's a bit strong, isn't it?’ he chuckled.“有点浓了,是吧?”他轻笑道。

laugh笑,嘲笑,例如:She couldn't help laughing at his jokes. 她忍不住因为他的笑话笑起来。All the critics had laughed at him ― well, the laugh was on them now. 所有的批评家都曾嘲笑他――啊,现在他们可成了嘲笑对象了。

belly laugh 捧腹大笑,例如:"Say, did you hear Johnny Carson last night? It's hard to be funny five nights a week, but last night was one of his best shows in a long time. He got some great belly laughs trading jokes with his guest star, Bob Hope." 这个人说:“喂,你昨晚看了Johnny Carson的节目没有要做到一星期五天都很滑稽是不容易的。但是,昨晚的节目是他很久以来最好的一次。他和他请来的著名演员Bob Hope一起讲笑话,好几次引得大家捧腹大笑。”

chortle 哈哈大笑;抿嘴轻笑,例如:He chortled at his own execrable pun. 他对自己拙劣的双关语大笑了起来。Thomas gave a chortle. 托马斯大笑起来。When I told them what had happened to me, they all chortled with mirth. 我把我的事告诉他们以后,他们咯咯地笑起来了。To utter a chortle or express with a chortle. 大笑发出哈哈大笑或用哈哈大笑来表达。

crack up[俚]讥讽, 笑话别人, 例如:Nobody likes him, because he always cracks up other people. 没有人喜欢他,因为他总是笑话别人。

giggle(紧张做作地)轻笑;傻笑,例如:They giggled at some private joke. 他们听到一些隐秘的笑话就咯咯地笑起来。three young, giggling girls. 三个咯咯笑着的年轻女孩。All that giggle and whisper is too much for me. 我受不了那些咯咯的笑声和交头接耳的样子。There is a giggle from the back of the class 从教室後面传来咯咯的笑。

guffaw 大笑,狂笑,例如:Both men guffawed at the remark. 两人对此言都报以狂笑。While a mingled guffaw from Heathcliff and Hareton, put the copestone on my rage and humiliation. 同时希刺克厉夫与哈里顿一起放声大笑,这大大地激怒着我,也使我感到羞辱。

All the boys burst out into a guffaw at the joke. 听到这个笑话,男孩子们发出一声狂笑。I inherited his laugh,the same big guffaw that can turn heads in a restaurant and send cats running from the room. 我继承了他的笑声,那种可以让人在餐馆中回头和把猫从屋里吓跑的大笑。

roar with laughter 哄堂大笑, 例如: A clown tries to steal their lime light by making the crowd roar with laughter. 一个小丑努力用让人哄堂大笑的方法来吸引人们的注意力。 She spoke very little English,and roared with laughter at everything I said. 她几乎不会英文,并且无论我说什么,她都哈哈大笑。 His joke made everyone roar with laughter. 他的笑话引得大家哄堂大笑。

snigger 窃笑,偷偷笑, 例如:The boys at school were sure to snigger at him behind his back. 学校里的男孩们肯定会在背后讥笑他的。]‘Doesn't he look a fool?’ they sniggered.“难道他不像个傻瓜吗?”他们窃笑道。Here the unfeeling Toad broke into a snigger, and then pulled himself together and tried to look particularly solemn. 听到这里,没心肝的蟾蜍居然偷偷地噗嗤笑了出来,跟着又敛容正色,做出特别庄重严肃的样子。

split one's sides (with laughter) 捧腹大笑,例如:The members of the audience almost split their sides with laughter.几乎所有的观众都捧腹大笑。 When I heard what happened to Tom, I almost split my sides. 当我得知汤姆身上发生的事时,我忍不住捧腹大笑起来。 We nearly split our sides laughing watching Paul trying to give the rabbit a bath. 当看到保罗给兔子洗澡时,我们都忍不住捧腹大笑。laugh one's head off.也是捧腹大笑的意思,例如: Jane laughed her head off when she saw Rob's costume. 当简看到罗伯的服装时,捧腹大笑起来。

titter 窃笑;咯咯笑,例如:Her stutter caused the children to titter. 她的口吃引得孩子们窃笑起来On Sunday evenings we used to be permitted to play, if we did not make much noise; now a mere titter is sufficient to send us into comers! 从前一到星期天晚上,还准许我们玩玩,只要我们不太吵,现在我们只要偷偷一笑,就得罚站墙角啦!There was an indrawn breath of horror from the audience and then the anxious and everlasting titter. 观众里传来因恐怖而倒吸气的声音,然后便是一直不停的不安的窃笑声。

mock 嘲笑,讥笑;嘲弄, 例如:Opposition MPs mocked the government's decision. 反对党议员嘲讽政府的决定。The mocking hostility in his voice made her wince. 他语调中带嘲弄的敌意使她畏缩。"Although he failed in the maths test, it was wrong to mock his efforts."

"虽然他的数学没有考及格,但是嘲笑他的努力是不对的。"Mock的另一层含义是:使显得徒劳,使显得可笑,例如:At Christmas, arguments and friction mock our pretence at peace. 圣诞节时争吵和摩擦使我们想佯装平安无



〔1〕 Collins(2004). Paperback Thesaurus. Great Britain:An Imprint of HarperCollins Publishers

〔2〕《新英汉字典》. 上海:上海译文出版社

上一篇:花鼓灯的道家审美文化特性 下一篇:加强社会管理 促进社会和谐