
时间:2022-06-23 01:21:59

A short ride northwest of the small Canadian town of Osoyoos there is a body of water which has come to be known in English as Spotted Lake. It is believed to be the most mineralized2) lake on the planet with 365 "circles"―one for each day of the year―in a large number of shapes, sizes and depths. It is an extraordinary natural phenomenon.

It is called Kliluk by the Okanagan, one of the native peoples in Canada collectively called the First Nations3).For them, it is a sacred medicine lake and their people have been coming to the lake in search of cures for various ailments4) for centuries. There are hundreds of ceremonial cairns5) surrounding the lake, many of which are so old that they have been buried by time.

The Okanagan used the lake as a spa, in effect, soaking away their aches and pains in its healing waters. One story in their oral history has a battle between tribes coming to a halt6) and a truce7) being called so that both sides could tend their wounded in the lake.

As the heat of the summer rises, most of the water in the lake evaporates which leaves behind large mineral deposits8), easily visible with the naked eye―the spots for which the lake is so famous. They appear different in color because of their various mineral compositions. They are mainly made of magnesium sulfate9)―popularly known as Epsom salts10)―which crystallize in the summer. It is said that the lake has the highest natural concentration of this mineral in the world.

During the driest periods of the year the lake is without any liquid at all. The area around the spots could be walked through―although this is strictly forbidden. Yet what little there may be is sometimes tasted by the local wildlife. It is doubtful whether this bear's thirst was satisfied by these waters, however.

Even when it's coldest in the winter you can almost make out, through the snow, the dimples11) which form the circles.

The lake also has high concentrations of both calcium and sodium12) sulfate as well massive levels of eight other minerals. Furthermore, it contains both silver and titanium13). It must have been annoying for the Okanagan then, when during the First World War these materials were taken from the lake in large quantities in order to manufacture munitions14) for the largest military conflict the world had ever seen up to that point. Rather than being used for healing, they were used to help kill.

Little wonder then, that the First Nations have since then been keen to both preserve and own the land and the lake. Yet that did not happen for many years. The last owners of European descent, the Smith family, were reluctant to sell, wishing instead to make the lake into a spa. Finally, in 2001 a deal was made when the family abandoned their hold on the lake and the land around it and Spotted Lake returned to its original guardians.

As the site is both culturally and ecologically sensitive the lake and its surrounding areas are protected. At the moment the lake is fenced but it is hoped that there will eventually be an information kiosk15) and a fully developed lookout point from which interested tourists can view the lake without interfering with its delicate16) natural balance and the historic, sacred cairns of the Okanagan which are beyond valuation.









由于该地文化和生态环境脆弱,湖区及其周边地区都受到了保护。湖区目前围了护栏,不过希望这里最终会建一个信息亭和一个设施完善的 望台,感兴趣的游客可以由此欣赏湖景,而不会破坏这里脆弱的生态平衡以及欧肯纳根人那些极具历史意义的神圣堆石标,它们可是无价之宝。

上一篇:中国城的新年 下一篇:校园恩仇录:小混混和易拉罐女王的故事