
时间:2022-06-09 07:41:39





















A Writer's Heart in the High-Tech Zone

By Xu Zhuoren

Lu Wenfu (1927-2005) enjoyed a national reputation for his literary works about Suzhou. And he was nicknamed Lu Suzhou, a name for his nostalgia and masterful depiction of the past charms and life in the ancient city. We don't know why, but the writer took a great interest in the new town of Suzhou right at the beginning of its development. Probably his heart was young and he always yearend for the new and embraced the new. He was one of the writers on the mainland who first wrote stories on the personal computer, first surfed the Internet, and first distributed his works in electronic versions. When the construction was all the rage, he spent a lot of time visiting construction sites and offices.

Those days, he still enjoyed good health. He had handsome looks with none of his hair out of place, though he looked a little bit out of place on a construction site. When construction workers learned that he was the writer Lu Wenfu, they recognized the name and said, "So this man was Lu Suzhou!" Hearing the comment, the writer smiled proudly. He was not gloating over his widespread reputation but aware that he was seeing a group of high-quality workers who knew about his stories.

In 1994, the new zone had taken shape after six years of large-scale buildup. In a visit to the new town in the spring that year, he counted on his fingers and then found that the six years meant about 2,500 days and the figure happened to coincide with the age of Suzhou, which was 2,500 years old at that time. Lu was excited by the coincidence. He commented that 2,500 years created an old Suzhou and 2,500 days and nights had created a new Suzhou.

Lu Wenfu was a champion of the high-tech new town. One year, a celebrated Taiwan woman writer came to visit the new town of Suzhou. The writer later wrote a newspaper story accusing Suzhou of destroying its past in its all-out construction of the new town. Lu Wenfu was unhappy about the comment. Lu noted that she was not well informed about the history, life, and new changes in Suzhou and therefore she was irresponsible for making such a comment. He went on to say that people yearn to modernize their material world though their nostalgia for the past holds on forever.

Probably because his nostalgia was stronger than that of anyone else, Lu was clearly aware of the negative side of this nostalgia. That was probably why he had a profound understanding of what the new town meant to him and to the city he loved so deeply.

Lu Wenfu was more than a friend and a champion of the new town. He did all he could to promote cultural activities initiated by the new zone. He was vice president of China Writers' Association. In 1997, a writers' center was established in Suzhou. Lu acted as its advisor. Suzhou Literature, a literary monthly where Lu was editor-in-chief, went out of its way to publish stories created bywriters. Some of these writers from the new zone later became established. Knowing Lu's "partiality" to the new writers, writers in other areas were jealous of them.

In 2002, Suzhou New Town expanded its jurisdiction from the previous 52 square kilometers to 258 square kilometers, thus creating new opportunities for the new town to pay more attention to its cultural undertakings. Within the new town are hills and rivers much lauded in ancient literature. In the spring of 2004, the new town government sponsored a series of books on the cultural heritage and future.

Lu Wenfu was the ideal candidate to write a foreword for the series. But due to his poor health, he had stopped writing for some time. Early that year, he was carried onto the fourth floor to attend a seminar attended by local novelists. When he was being carried downstairs after the seminar he suddenly was unable to breathe and his face turned purple. That accident scared me. Knowing how seriously ill he was, I almost dismissed the idea of asking him to write the foreword. But after some hesitation, I called him. He was excited. I sent him an email briefing him on the series and the general plan on June 1st 2004. The foreword was faxed to me on June 12th, together with his autograph.

When the series came off the print, he was already hospitalized. We visited him. He curled up in bed, breathing with the assistance of oxygen. He was unable to speak. But his eyes brightened when he saw the new books on the bedside table. We said, "You must get well soonest. Don't forget that you promised to visit all the wonders one by one in the new zone."

But he did not come to visit us in the new town of Suzhou. The writer known for his passion and literary accomplishments for Suzhou died on July 9, 2005. We are left with an ending that he designed and we dreamed about. It didn't come true and never will.

(Translated by David)

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