
时间:2022-06-08 12:33:25




中图分类号:G632.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2014)01-0120


1. 在导学案的指导下激起学生学英语的兴趣和好奇心。2. 指导学生欣赏英语中的幽默。3. 通过创设幽默生动的氛围以及呈现英美生活情境来提高学生的幽默感。4. 教育学生注意文明礼貌并且帮助他们掌握一些日常生活常识。5. 培养学生乐观的生活态度并学会寓学于乐。




1. 导入


Headmaster:“On the ferry, you must all be very careful. If a student falls into the sea, what will you do?”

Students: “Shout ‘Boy, on board’, sir.”

Headmaster: “And what will you do if a teacher falls into the sea?”

(There was a moment of silence)

A voice said: “It would depend on which one, sir!

Teacher: If the teacher were me, what would be the end of the story?



on the ferry 在渡船上

board / go aboard the ship / train /plane


boarding card / ticket 登机牌

boarding school / students 寄宿学校/住宿生

the board of the company 公司董事会

depend on / count on / rely on / calculate on


It (all) depends. 看情况了。

depend onto do sth / for sth

依靠某人做某事/ 得到某物



It is calculated that 据推算 / 据估算

2. 猜如何用英语应答以完成幽默对话


-Do you think I have a gift for playing the piano?

-No, but I’ll give you one if you stop playing!



(2) be gifted in / at= be talented in / at

(3) have a gift / talent for 有某方面的天赋


Jay Zhou has a gift for music and he is talented both in composing and singing as well.

3. 小组竞赛――给出最幽默好笑的应答



-If you had 20 apples in your right hand and 30 in your left, what would you have?

-Sore arms.

-Why are you putting a bandage on your pay check?

-Because my salary has just been cut.


(1) have pain in one’s arm 膀子疼

(2) have a sore throat 喉咙疼

(3) put a bandage on some place 给某部位贴上创口贴

(4) wind bandage round the arm 给膀子缠上绷带

(5) cut down / back on sth 消减某物

4. 做一个会讲笑话的人――表演时间


Read a joke fast and try to act it out by adding some body language like facial expressions to polish up the effect. Find your partner and make preparations

Make up a funny dialogue (You can add your own words). And act it out.

A man went to a hospital for a new brain. He was given a choice between two brains――an engineer’s for $20,000 or a politician’s for $500,000. He asked the doctor: “ Does that mean the politician’s brain is much better?” “Not exactly” , replied the doctor, “ It’s because the politician’s brain has never been used.”

One week after he arrived in prison, Walter Gideon had his appendix removed. Soon after that he had two fingers cut off after an accident in the prison kitchen. The head of prison said to one of the wardens: “ Keep an eye on him. I think he’s trying to escape bit by bit.”


(1)buy / sell / offer sth for $100

以100美元的价格买/ 买/ 出价$100

(2)choose sth between /from 从……选择

(3)Not exactly. 不完全是。

(4)Not really. 不是。

(5) learn politics 学政治学

(6)an active politician 一位活跃的政治家/ 政客

(7)political liberties 政治自由

(8)have sth removed 将某物去除/ 移除

(9)keep an eye on留神看住某人

(10) escape from prison 从监狱里逃走

(11) a prisoner on the run = an escaped prisoner


5. 评价和思想教育

T:You have done a good job! I’m impressed! I’m proud of you!

Remember: An old saying goes that life is like a mirror. If you smile to it, it will smile back to you. So try to find the joyful things in life and enjoy the happiness of learning, especially English!

6. 课后作业

Try writing funny stories or dialogues inspired by your daily life in English.Pay attention to the language points and grammar of English as well.




(作者单位:江苏省扬州大学附属中学 225001)

上一篇:让“语篇教学”走向深处 下一篇:浅谈初中英语复习有效教学研究