
时间:2022-06-07 01:53:26









Is there a song you will keep replaying?

Music is like a lingering flavor that soaks the innermost soul slowly. Each of the cells in your body can be sensitive to the flavor, so you may halt your hurrying steps, close your eyes and take a deep breath, as if forgetting yourself.

Music is limitless. By repeated permutation and combination, various notes are turned into pieces of music in a muffled or resounding tone. Music is animate. The song you listened to on an occasion will be engraved in your memory. Many years later, when its melody is played once again, it is still full of reminiscences of the occasion. Every time we’re emotional, keep tossing and turning in bed all night or have an inner conflict, we will seek an outlet, a supporting point and feelings from the music we like, which are our favorite songs.

If I adore a song, I would like to enjoy it over and over again. Thus, I will keep replaying the song that conveys my inner voice. The attitude conveyed in replaying one song seems a life or a belief. Every note of the song we enjoy repeatedly is so familiar and euphonious that we feel it congenial to the state of mind and thus melodious. So now and then we hum it with the beat. Actually, when a song is being replayed, it presents another’s singing voice, or rather conveys our own inner voices. In the very beginning, we let go of it, and afterwards we have no memory of it, and eventually we feel relieved. We went through different periods of life by replaying and enjoying a single song.

Friends afield, is there a song you would like to keep replaying?Friends afield, is there a person to whom you give unswerving love?

In our lifetimes, how many people have we met? How many people have we traveled together with? How many people have we drunk together with? They are too innumerable to be counted. But among them, is there a soulmate, with whom we can live for the rest of our lives? Maybe you will pay a high price for it. What always keep you company are unchanging colors and impressive melodies, all of which are never removed from you.

Is there a song you are never tired of?

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