White-collar Workers, Watch Out for Your Health

时间:2022-06-03 07:58:17



According to a nationwide survey of three million white?鄄collar workers in more than ten major cities including Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, up to 76 percent of them suffer from health problems. Nearly 60 percent were found to be in an overstrained condition while less than three percent have a perfect bill of health.

Given the facts, the Shanghai Sports Bureau announced that the most recent version of guangboticao would debut on local radio stations including AM 990 and FM 93.4 from the beginning of this year.

The latest version of guangboticao is designed to improve the health conditions of white?鄄collar workers, at the same time some adjustments have been made to cater to their needs.

However a few minutes of daily exercise seems to be far from enough in curing the complicated physical problems that white?鄄collar workers are faced with today. The Global Times has listed some typical white?鄄collar disease along with some possible solutions.

1. Cervical spondylosis and lumbar vertebra disease

For office workers, cervical spondylosis and lumbar vertebra disease are two conditions that they complain about frequently. People who constantly bend over their desks or sit still in front of a computer for long are at risk of developing these problems. Staying in one position for a long time can easily cause your muscles bound and exhausted and then result in pain in the cervical vertebra.

The condition can cause nausea and headaches and a sensation of pins and needles in their scalp, arms and hands or aches in their shoulders. In the worst?鄄case scenarios people can develop paralysis.

Solution: Active movements can definitely help. After sitting for an hour, one needs to stand up and do some exercises. The suitable small movements in a small office include extension of the neck, twist one’s head and slowly turning the head 180 degrees. It also helps if one takes up sports, including swimming, basketball and jogging, to strengthen the muscles around the neck and waist.

2. Yuppie flu

Many white?鄄collar workers constantly feel weak or worn out. They might still feel tired after a good sleep or feel anxious, what’s more, they might easily get angry. This is a case of yuppie flu, which is contagious in offices. Those who catch the flu will constantly feel fatigued.

Yuppie flu is kind of psychosomatic disease, but it shouldn’t be ignored because anyone who suffers from it may face the risk of sudden death.

Solution: A campaign advocating slow movement through total lifestyle deceleration became very popular in London in 2010. Although we all have to work, it’s necessary for people today to relax and devote more time to enjoying their hobbies and taking care of their families. In the meantime, a regular sufficient sleep and proper exercise can help people grow immune to yuppie flu.

3. Xerophthalmia

Xerophthalmia is a term that comes from Greek and literally means dry eyes. Most office buildings today adopt a central air?鄄conditioning system and windows remain closed almost all year round. Bad ventilation and high concentration of computers and other electronic equipment can result in bad-quality and dry air in offices.

Staring at computer monitors for long periods of time and wearing contact lenses can make the condition worse as well. Typically, sufferers feel dry eyes and can produce few tears. But a small group of people suffer from constantly watery eyes.

Solution: Aside from sufficient rest and proper eye protection, ventilation should be improved in offices with air humidification equipment. People are also recommended to use eye drops if necessary. In terms of diet, one needs to eat food with rich vitamins and protein such as fruits and vegetables.

4. Gastrointestinal disorders

Some white?鄄collar workers barely have enough time for lunch or dinner or get up too late for a regular breakfast. They might gorge themselves when they have some spare time.

As a result of being unable to eat properly, some white?鄄collar workers develop gastrointestinal conditions such as chronic gastritis and gastric ulcers.

Solution: Keeping regular hours is important to staying healthy. Never eat too much once a time and take a rest for around half an hour after a meal before getting back to work.

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