
时间:2022-05-28 10:47:19

Social media companies will become even more prevalent next year, and as their popularity soars, consumers will become more aware of how social media impacts their lives. 2014 will be a mobile tipping point.

Both Facebook and LinkedIn will start earning well more than half their revenue from mobile devices as Twitter already does. All social companies’1)acquisitions will be focused on mobile, and all new start-ups that take off will be mobile first. Meanwhile, social giants will target ads on mobile devices.

The more time people spend sharing with social tools, the more privacy will be in the spotlight. Companies will offer more tools that give consumers more control about how and with whom they’re sharing, like 2)SnapChat or 3)Instagram’s new direct service. Expect consumers to push for far more transparency on how personal data is [sic] used and shared.

And 2014 will be the year of “social shopping.”Get ready for 4)Pinterest to launch its first revenue model, start-up Winalo to take off, and 5)Groupon to continue its comeback, as consumers increasingly turn to their peers to inform shopping choices.








blog 博客

blogsphere 博客圈,博客空间

blogroll 博客链接

bookmarking 添加书签

CMS 内容管理系统,content management system的缩写discussion forum 论坛

follower 粉丝

foursquare 基于地理位置的签到工具

hyperlink 超链接

instant messaging 即时消息

metadata 元数据

microblog 微博

status update 状态更新

Vlog 影像网络日志,Video web log的简写

webcast 网络广播

webinar 在线研讨会

widget 小部件,小工具

wiki 维基(允许访问者添加或修改资料的网站)


Flickr 雅虎旗下的图片分享网站

Hootsuite 互随,社交管理工具

Hi5 全球最大的社交网站之一

LinkedIn 邻客音

Mixi 蜜秀,日本最大的SNS网站

MySpace 聚友网

Orkut 我酷,偶酷

SlideShare 幻灯片和文档分享网站

TweetDeck 一款基于Adobe AIR的Twitter客户端

Twitter 推特

WordPress 以PHP和MySQL为平台的自由开源的博客软件和内容管理系统

Youtube 全球最大的视频分享网站

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