NEWS 第1期

时间:2022-05-26 10:06:56

English edition of Li Ruihuan’s Writings Be Pragmatic for Truth was newly published

In April, Peisheng Education Group will cooperate with China Renmin University Press to co-organize the global press conference of the English edition of Be Pragmatic for Truth by Li Ruihuan. The book is a third important work worthy of its philosophical thoughts, theoretical guidance and practical experience after two classical philosophical works—How to Learn and Use Philosophy and Talking about Dialectics.

Output of Korean copyright of Gen Niao and The Third Legion

The copyright of Gen Niao by Cao Wenxuan and The Third Legion by Zhang Zhilu, published by Tiantian Press, are successfully output to Korea, and the two books will be published by Korean Borim Press.

Gen Niao is about the growth of a teenager named “Gen Niao”. Cao Wenxuan’s works deserves the classics of modern children’s literary for its persistent vitality from the close observation of children’s growth and humanity. The Third Legion is a masterpiece of Zhang Zhilu’s novels and has won the Second National Excellent Children’s Literary Works Award. His works has a strong dramatic and picturesque sense due to his abundant experience as a scriptwriter for many years.

‘Cambridge China Library’ launches the English edition of A History of Chinese Civilization in London Book Fair

On the opening day of the Fair, Cambridge University Press (CUP) and Peking University Press (PUP) will jointly hold the launching ceremony for the newly published title of ‘Cambridge China Library’ programme in Millennium Gloucester Hotel. Initiated by CUP in 2009, the ‘Cambridge China Library’ programme aims to improve western-Chinese intellectual communication and discussion through translations into fluent and idiomatic English of a range of works of Chinese scholars, of both academic and more ‘general’ interest, on Chinese art, culture, and science.

A History of Chinese Civilization (4 volumes) was published by Peking University Press in 2006, which is one of the few titles that were first to be included into the ‘Cambridge China Library’ programme. To celebrate the formal release of the English edition of such an important work of great academic value, CUP and PUP will especially host a symposium earlier on the same day. Professor Yuan Xingpei, editor-in-chief of the 4-volume A History of Chinese Civilization, Professor David Knechtges, leading translator of the same, and Professor David McMullen, author of the introduction to the 3rd volume of the English edition, will be invited to have a dialogue and discussion on the work, nearly 100 scholars, representatives from the press, and media persons will also attend the symposium.

The English version of A History of Chinese Civilization will present the western readers with a true and complete account of Chinese civilization, and will promote the academic exchanges and understanding between China and the west as well.

The world’s first issue of Intelligent Systems and Technology in China, an English academic study series.

At 5:00pm on April 16, 2012, Zhejiang University Press will announce at the London Book Fair a series in English of academic monographs called Intelligent Systems and Technology in China, published in collaboration with Reed Elsevier Group, and it will hold the publication ceremony in Exhibition Area EC1 K505 of Reed - Elsevier, the publisher of international science, technology and medicine. The major leaders from the Chinese General Administration of Press and Publication and the State Council Information Office will be present. This event will be attended by well-known media companies from around the world.

This new book series is aimed at the development frontiers of world science and technology, and it will provide the newest research progress and important research findings in intelligent science and technology in China for readers all over the world in English. Most of the authors of the series comprise academicians from the Chinese Academy of Science and Chinese Academy of Engineering, Cheung Kong Scholars, the winners of the National Outstanding Youth Foundation, and so on. At present, 15 selected subjects for the first part of this series have been listed in “Project for Translation and Publication of Chinese Cultural Works”.

The first three books to be published this time include Flexible Manipulators: Modeling, Analysis and Optimum Designs, New Advances in Intelligence and Security Informatics, and Service Science, Management and Engineering written by Feiyue Wang, the leading scholar from the International Intelligent Control Field.

To publish in English original books on Science and Technology by cooperating with an internationally famous science and technology publisher is an “opening-up” initiated by Zhejiang University Press. This cooperation with Elsevier is another large publication project, following the Series in Advanced Topics in Science and Technology in China first published in cooperation with Springer in 2006, which once again consolidated the bridgehead status of Zhejiang University Press, which concentrates on the co-publication of Chinese science and technology originals. This project will make good use of the publishing resources and advantages of both parties (Elsevier and ZUP) by sharing risks and profits, and trying to be the best in the field of International Intelligent Engineering and Technology.

As one of the best academic publishing houses in China, relying on the academic background of its Alma Mater - Zhejiang University, Zhejiang University Press has been actively implementing collaboration with scientific research institutions at national level and excellent talents in colleges and universities and has developed monograph series based on the predominant disciplines and predominant research groups at home and abroad. It has established a unique “opening-up” model for the publication in English of the works of academics by setting up an international exchange platform with well-known publication groups overseas. Through international co-publications, Zhejiang University Press has not only gathered superior resources at home and abroad, but trained international editing and type-setting teams. What is more important is that it has strengthened the international influence of Chinese academic publications, and has promoted the exchange and cooperation of academics worldwide. The books published this time will enter into mainstream selling channels via Elsevier’s powerful global sales network and will be collected by world-known academic libraries. Meanwhile, its newly developed “Insights e-book and print-on-demand system” will be available online. And the e-books will be sold on “ScienceDirect” which can be accessed by 11 million scientists. In addition, you can also purchase via the website of or from third parties.

The Reed Elsevier Group, is the global largest scientific and medical information publisher, ranked first among world publishing enterprises in 2011, and it is also the publisher which has most successfully made the transformation from paper publication to digital publication. It has unique advantages in research level science and technology publications and information services, and has won a good reputation in the global science and technology field, with more than 1 million people using its books and e-books.

Seminar of the report of China book publishing industry

China’s publishing has witnessed a remarkable achievement in recent years. The Books Department of General Administration of China Press and Publication has organized the compilation of the series of Report of China’s Books Publishing Industry (three editions). It aims at compensating for the lack of theoretical analysis and data research on the current status and development trend, as well as providing the necessary theoretical foundation and strategic direction for the lasting and sound development of the industry. The previous two editions have been translated into English. The second edition of Publishing in China is the first English book written by China publishing professionals to illustrate China’s publishing for western readers. Seminar of China Publishing Industry based on the two books will be held in April. Domestic administrative departments, famous publishers from home and abroad can have impressive dialogues and on-site interaction from various perspectives in order to enhance the international understanding of China’s publishing, as well as to provide theoretical support and practical cases for foreigner scholars researching China’s publishing market, and to provide advice regarding China’s policies and practical guidance for foreign publishers entering China’s market.

Successful output of the British and French copyright of the series Selected Works from Rong Bao Zhai Album

The series of Selected Works from Rong Bao Zhai Album (14 books) includes classical works from 14 painters, and it is highly praised by readers from home and abroad. In 2011, it signed copyright agreements with a French press- EDITIONS?PHILIPPE?PICQVIER?and then with a British publishing company- NEW?CLASSIC?PRESS?LIMITED. The French version of the series was first printed in 2,000 albums/series, and will be completed in mid-July, 2012. The British version of the series was first printed in 1,000 albums/series, and will be completed by the end of 2012. The two versions will be on sale together in European and American markets.

Album painting is a common way of painting by traditional Chinese painters. Different from large frescoes in monasteries and temples, it emphasizes the freedom in choosing subjects and ways of painting. Thus, it can show the creativity of the painters and be easy to carry and preserve. The painters in the series—from the eight famous artists in Qing Dynasty, like Zhao Zhiqian, Zhang Zongcang, Ju Lian, to those in modern times, like Qi Baishi, Wu Changshuo, are all important painters in Chinese painting history. Their works feature distinctive style, various subjects. With the delicate publishing in hardcover form, the albums can allow the readers to admire the original appearance of the works.

Strategic Partnership Agreement Signing Ceremony between Guangdong Economic Press and Paths International Ltd. & Launch of the English Edition of China MBA Series (7 varieties)

This event has been listed as one of the key events for China as the Guest of honor by GAPP. The China MBA Series includes 7 varieties, which are Harmony is most precious – Law of Success for Chinese, Dead or Alive – How long exactly can Chinese enterprises live, Capital War – Capital games between foreign-funded enterprises in China, Gome Upheavals, The Gree Way, Examine HUAWEI from Four Angles, This is the most powerful team – From Ctrip to Home Inn and Hanting. From living examples to theory and culture, from macro to micro, it tells the world the stories of contemporary China vividly, and reflects the achievements of China in economic construction objectively, which may be counted as a successful output to the western mainstream publishing countries.

The Paths International Ltd. has already pre-promoted this series in different channels before the book fair, and has received a good response. Now it is going to ceremoniously introduce the book to the market with the help of the “Market Focus” release platform of the London Book Fair.

The London Book Fair Launch of the English Edition of Opportunities of China

Guangdong People Press exported the book Opportunities of China to the New Classic Press in UK in 2011 successfully. The book objectively analyzes the achievements that have been made in different aspects of the society and the economy during the 30 years of China’s reform and opening-up, the reasons for rise in the world as well as the problems presented in further development. English edition of the book will be ceremoniously launched in this year’s London Book Fair, and the local professional media has been keeping a watchful eye on this. Guests including Ren Guoming, author of the book, and Edward Huang, president of the New Classic Press will attend the event.

Strategic Partnership Agreement Signing Ceremony between Guangdong Education Publishing House and New Classic Press & Launch of the English Edition of Stories in Chinese Characters (8 volumes)

The series of Stories in Chinese Characters is a picture book that integrates Chinese elements such as Chinese characters, traditional stories and ink paintings. Matched with ink painting illustrations, which are carriers of essence of Chinese national culture, the book feeds the readers with classic stories and folk legends that are steeped in tradition. While sharing the stories, it tells the origin and evolution process of every Chinese character from oracle bone script, bronze inscription, small seal script, clerical script to regular script in simple words. It may be considered as a parent-child book or an enlightening book for foreign readers to learn Chinese characters and perceive the five thousand years old Chinese culture.

The English edition of Stories in Chinese Characters (8 volumes) launched in London Book Fair is the first set of book exported by Guangdong Education Publishing House to the New Classic Press in UK. It is also a good start for their cooperation.

The copyright output of Children Literature of China Reaching out to the World has achieved initial success.

The Chinese paperback edition of Children Literature of China Reaching out to the World published by Dolphin Books of China International Publishing Group made appearance in January 2012. The first batch has contained the self-picked master works of 10 famous writers including Sun Youjun, Jin Bo, Qin Wenjun, Cao Wenxuan, Zhang Zhilu, Ge Bing, Huang Beijia, Shen Shixi, Gao Hongbo and Tang Sulan. Within just a month, the copyright output of this series has achieved initial success.

The copyright of traditional Chinese edition has been bought by Taiwan Dragon Totem Culture Co., Ltd. Minimum printing of the series is 1,500 sets. The Singapore Xinya company is going to exclusively sell 1,000 copies of hardcover English edition in Southeast Asia, or considers introducing English copyright directly.

It is reported that the first batch of hardcover Chinese edition will also come out in this March, and the hardcover English edition will make appearance in April. So far, the boutique series of Children Literature of China Reaching out to the World has been simultaneously launched in domestic and overseas markets in paperback simplified Chinese edition, hardcover simplified Chinese edition, traditional Chinese edition and hardcover English edition.

Chinese best seller Under the Hawthorn Tree has been sold to 15 countries and regions

At the beginning of 2012, the overseas copyright of Chinese best seller Under the Hawthorn Tree by Ai Mi, with the help of People's Literature Publishing House, has been sold to Israel (Hebrew) and Denmark (Danish). Thus, its overseas copyright has been granted to 15 countries and regions.

Among the earlier sold, the Dutch version was published in 2011, and the Canadian and British versions have just come into the market this year. The British version by Virago (the largest women's literature imprint in the world) attracts a large amount of media coverage including The Observer and Daily Mail. Lennie Goodings of Virago said, "It's a beautiful love story, almost like a Romeo and Juliet. It has that real simplicity about people trying to love each other across class."

To reproduce a true history of Three Kingdoms’ Time, ten-volume Great Three Kingdoms is published.

The ten-volume Great Three Kingdoms of 2.5 million characters written by Zhao Jianmin, a history professor in Shanghai University for ten years, is newly published by Anhui Renmin press in January. It is made up of ten volumes Indistinguishable Beginning, Social Upheaval, Cruel Battles, Fighting among the Heroes, Independent Three Powers, Prosperity of the Kingdoms, Martyrs in Old Age, Maneuver among Political Groups, Incredible Achievement, and Jin Dynasty Replaced the Three. Through describing the spirits of the heroes in that time and the unforgettable historic scenes—from the late Eastern Han Dynasty when leaderships emerged in the first volume all the way through to the combination of the three kingdoms by Jin dynasty in the tenth volume, the author aims at promoting the pursuit of unity by the heroes in three kingdoms, which is the theme both of the history and the book.

The content and style of Great Three Kingdoms is more vivid than History of Three Kingdoms, but more well-founded than Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The latter two books provide the basis for Great Three Kingdoms, which tries to break the limitation of the two styles and lead the readers to enjoy the combination of true history and literary art. It is written in prose way, introduces academic research in a common way, and shows the true Three Kingdoms history in an all-round way. The ten-volume book is so far the largest general history book about the Three Kingdoms history in China. Price for the whole volumes: RMB 298.00, and Price for the single volume: RMB 29.80.

上一篇:爱心助学在行动 下一篇:为农民插上致富金翅膀