
时间:2022-05-22 05:43:59


摘 要 分析第四至七届国家级教学成果奖职教类获奖成果发现,与江、浙两省及全国总体情况相比,广东省高职教育教学成果围绕人

>> 广东高职教学改革的现状与趋势 广东省高职教育质量政策的工具选择与评价 广东省高职教育发展研究 我国高职教育教学的现状与改革发展趋势研究 高职教育教学改革的目标与路径 从口语大赛发展谈广东省高职高专英语教学改革 略论广东省能源现状与经济的关系 广东省高考外语改革的研究与分析 对高职教育现状及其教学改革的几点思考 高职教育现状及对教学改革的思考 高职教育与英语教学改革 广东省高职院校图书馆在线信息素质教育现状调查与分析 高职教育教学改革浅谈 浅议高职教育教学改革 浅谈高职教育教学改革 高职教学改革现状及发展趋势分析 广东省高职院校基层教学管理队伍建设现状调查与路径分析 基于创业教育的高职教学改革初探 对高职教育教学改革的几点思考 广东省高校大学计算机基础课程教学改革项目探索 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l?from=related .

Status and Trends of Teaching Reform of Vocational Education in Guangdong Province

――Based on Analysis of the National Teaching Achievement Awards

Luo Dan

Abstract Analysis of the fourth to the seventh national teaching awards has shown that compared with Jiangsu, Zhejiang provinces and the general situation of the country, Guangdong vocational education teaching reform had realized rapid growth in the number of award winners and expanding the scope. In curriculum, practice teaching and other microscopic fields ,Guangdong has made more obvious advantages. However, high-level award is still relatively small and not much of a major breakthrough in terms of the institutional reform of the mechanism. According to national vocational education development and Guangdong’s economic and social reforms trends, how to grasp the “upgrade” theme, innovative fusion mechanism of production and education should be the core tasks of current and the next phase of Guangdong Vocational Education Teaching Reform.

Key words higher vocational education; teaching reform; Teaching Achievement Award; mechanism; Guangdong province

Author Luo Dan,research associate of Shunde Polytechnic(Shunde,528333)

上一篇:乡村景观在风景园林规划及设计中的意义 下一篇:CDIO工程教育模式实践探讨