The "Learning" and "Teaching" in Confucian

时间:2022-05-18 11:55:39

Abstract. The success or failure of education is the key problem concerning the future of a country and nation. The educational development of our country has some inevitable and unavoidable problem. However, the Pre - Qin Confucian education thought contains some Meaningful things to the issues above.

Keywords: Learning; Teaching; Confucius

1. The necessity of Education

1.1 The necessity of Learning

"The book of rites"said:"The finest diamond must be cut; People don't learn, don't know. So the ancient king always put the country building,the monarch and his subjects, teaching in the first place”Visible the importance of education in ancient China, but what does "people do not learn, do not know" mean? Xunzi has gave it a appropriate interpretation: "Without climbing up a high mountain,I do not know how high the sky is; without deep river, I do not know how thick the ground is." ("Xunzi")What is the "learning"? Learning is the "standard","knowledge", this is a process combine with"learning" and "thinking", this process is not easy, but it is the foundation of "the way of vast knowledge".As for the importance of learning, Confucius tells us that even though some such as "wisdom" and "righteousness" and "brave" and some other good moral character, the person who doesn't like learning is not good,he put forward Six disadvantages":"Righteousness and morality but not love learning, his shortcomings are easily to be fooled; love to be smart and not love learning, his malady is easy to unrestrained license; honesty and not love learning, his shortcomings are easy to use their own victimization; forthright but not love learning, his shortcomings are easy to talk sarcastic ridicule; courageous but not love learning, his defect is easy to go wrong; be strong and do not love learning, his malady is mad paradox."Hence the importance of learning.

1.2 The necessity of Teating

Xunzi and Mencius realized the necessity of teaching for all is very profound, but their ideological basis is different.Xunzi thought that human nature is evil, he said: "people are born villain, without teacher’s guide, without law to restrain, you can only see the money and profit." ("Xunzi")So education is necessary, by the sage set the etiquette and law of human nature to limit and guide, can make people kinder, so that the social stability. Even established complete law , the guidance of education is essential,as Xunzi said: "That is no moral enlightenment on the homicide, criminal law is heavy and evil more." ("Xunzi")For the importance of education, Mencius put it in the above "political" status, he said: "Humanity, justice and morality words is not benevolent reputation to win support among the people, good political without good education can get common feelings of people. People fear even against the good political; people are willing to accept a good education. Good political can amass wealth to the people, a good education can win the hearts and minds of support."("Mencius")A country is not "in the wealth of the people" as the service, "The book of rites learning"said state does not benefit from benefit, benefits from justice"; only get common feelings of people can the country work together in harmony, long period of stability; therefore, education should be got enough and a long time attention.("Rites")

1.3 The necessity of Education

"Learning" and "teaching" are inseparable, "Learning" must have "teaching", "The book of rites" said:"After learning to know the lack of knowledge; after it was found difficult to teach; know that lack of knowledge, and then to self-examination. Know the difficulties of teaching, before a powerful self-improvement, so that: teaching and learning strengths have been."Therefore, "teaching" and "learning" can promote each other, this is"teaching benefits teachers as well as students". In fact, for the whole process "learning" is the most important.Xunzi said:" To the students, close to and like teacher, in harmony and understanding to be influenced by the teacher, is their shortcut of learning and success."Added:"Li, is used to correct the body and mind; the teacher, is used to correct the etiquette."Qualified teachers are not easy to get, the modern world is obvious, we will in the following of "principle"part to explain how to solve this situation. Of course, there is a "good teacher" and "good scholars","book of Rites" said:"Those who are good at learning, teachers often little effort, but benefit themselves are many, but also due to the teacher, gratitude to teachers. Poor people who study hard and make the teacher tired, not only benefit themselves are few, but also blame and complain to their teachers."No matter how, to establish Chinese ancient teacher-student relationship is very prudent, once established, is a lifelong responsibility, for a good teacher, the students feelings for him is "not the parents, better than the parents."

2. The principle of Education

2.1 There is a fundamental principle in education - first taught people to learn life, and then teaching knowledge.

Confucius said: "disciples into the filial piety, is a brother, like the letter, pan loving public, and dear Ren, with spare effort, to learn" ("Confucian Analects"). For confucius, essential things must first establish, if he have a essential question, the more knowledge but more dangerous.

Write large, such as the invention of gunpowder in the Chinese mainly is to make beautify life and to twatch, but in some harbour evil intent designs industrial countries which making weapons to invade civilized countries.Again, The noble quality of scientists development high-energy physics to look for new ideas and new methods to replace the old energy and to benefit all humanity.However, some politicians which only care for their own immediate interests see the high-energy physics to be a tool to build weapons of mass destruction,As a result, the human will to take a road which clearly self-defeating.Closer to home, back to the contemporary society, even in some institutions of higher learning, the students quality is not a compliment, why? Do they accept the 10 years educations no training up the most basic moral?We have comprehensive education for many years, but the results were quite regrettable, The fundamental reason is that essence of things were not appreciated from their childhood.

Our attitude to education of the next generation with a heart of "Talent" but not a "Adult". We always pay attention to cultivate their learning and ability, let them make up classes, dancing, piano, painting etc. Their time is arranged tightly and nothing room for the space to freedom, while talent is important, it's not the primary, the primary is the education of morality and "Adult". This matter, actually, is not their parents fault, the macroscopical political and educational environment had made all this.

The lack of ideological level made the compatriots have an aching emptiness in their heart, this emptiness is very obvious when they're alone. The only way is put theirself in the busy things and entertainment which made them "looks very substantial" but in fact "climb trees to catch fish". Can we think about open the Sinology Lesson? Open the Sinology Lesson and give more attention to this, for this lesson can bring us ont only the knowledge but also establish good nature and enrich our mind and this is the most important.

2.2 Education should meet the principle of "golden mean"

"The book of rites" said,"the great learning" approach, to prohibit before something bad happens and this is "YU"; to do that you should to do and this is "TIMING"; do not overdo sth and this is "HUMILITY"; harmonious coexistence and this "GRINDING".Indeed,prevention is better than disaster relief, "Huangdi Neijing" sai, the sage does not treat the disease preventive treatment of disease, does not treat the chaos preventive treatment of chaos.Then,the last time to study,it will be very hard and it is unlikely to be successful,that's impressive for us,youth is the best time to learn,after that time,pay great efforts and also "labour hard to little avail".Later,teaching should be "proceeding orderly", supposing"teaching is farraginous",there will be some essential disadvantages appeared that we have mentioned above.Last,persist in one's old ways and refuse to correct,he will be cut off from the world,so,teaching and learning should be coordinated so that the effect will be appeared.

These are actually the educational principle of Golden Mean,Confucius is very good at using this heuristic method to educate his own students.He said,"do not anger does not start, do not but can not speak does not send,can not draw inferences and then no teaching"("Analects of Confucius")Heuristic education requested that the teachers to master the students' node felicitously, Confucius do very well,Yan Yuan said loudly,"teacher Confucius step-by-step guide us,teaching me literature,about me with the ceremony", bring Yan to a position which "Try to Stop but cannot".

Moreover, Confucius hold the principle of "golden mean" in education with "educate someone according to his natural ability",these four words we shout for years,now still yelling years for years,but it is not a slogan.

Confucius set an example for us, for example, when Zilu asked "hear something and then to do that?" Confucius said,"the parents are alive,how can you hear something and then to do that?" When Ranyou asked "hear something and then to do that?"Confucius said,"hear something and then to do that." Gongxi Hua asked,"You and Qiu asked the same questions, but the answer seems the opposite, it really makes me wonder, why." Confucius said,"You is much positive,so back; Qiu is much hesitant,so forward." This is the Golden Mean in education, and this is the principle of "Rites":"Education is increase the goodness and recovery the wrong place."

3. The effect of Education

3.1 The case of "Rites"

"The book of rites"said:"In ancient times, the teaching place, a home with a "private", "Xiang" (party a five hundred party), has "ordered a Sui" (twelve thousand five hundred for the Sui), a state with a "University". There are new students every year,every test once a year. A year after enrollment, examination of Scripture punctuation, identify ambition trend; three years to see if the student respect concentrate on my studies, and the crowd to get along; five years to see if the student learned to practice, teachers; seven years to see if the student academic insights, and choice of friends, you can say a small success.Nine years of knowledge mastery, can comprehend by analogy, failing to confusion and does not violate terms, it can be termed as a great success. This time it was to educate people, change existing habits and customs, and nearby people feel a heartfelt admiration, and those who are far away will come over. This is the method and sequence of University education."Here’s "learning" is the "book of rites doctrine of the mean" said "the most sincere" realm:"So good reputation with the capital around the country, and further spread to wild tribes. Those who travel to people, covered by day, the sun and moon shining, the frost and dew moist places, all men did not respect adore him, therefore, this is his virtue vast sky.It is the most extreme sincere."This realm matched with the days and the most sincere have the function that"has a far distance there is hope, distance of almost always feel dissatisfied" ("book of rites doctrine of the mean") And these are "the book of Rites "said "the virtues to the world". We have discussed the importance, contents and some principles and some reference on Contemporary Chinese education of the "learning" and "teaching",these principles and approaches, coupled with diligent self, we can understand "wisdom". Process prudent "wisdom" to cultivate one's morality, self-cultivation is the"virtues to the world" of the core and fundamental, "The book of rites University" said:"From the head of state, down to the civilian population, everyone should take as the basic character of accomplishment. If this root is disturbed, the world is impossible to have a good governance. Do not have the order reversed order of priority, but want to do things, this is also impossible."Through the "virtues to the world", and finally "aim at absolute perfection", it is the ultimate goal of "learning"and "teaching".Also can say is the value orientation in the period of pre Qin Confucian life;in the pursuit of the ultimate purpose,or become upright people, or to become a sage, or can reach a "harmony" realm.

3.2 The case of Confucius

In Confucius' case,he said,"At 15, I had my mind bent on learning;at 30 I stood firm;at 40, I am no longer confused;at 50, I knew the decrees of heaven;at 60, my ear was an obedient organ for the reception of truth;at 70, I could follow what my heart desired, without transgressing what was right."("Analects of Confucius") This process of Confucius start from "bent on learning", Confucius said, "be born with knowledge, the finest; learning to know the truth, not too high quality; leran when confused, the general quality;not learn even when confused, the defective.("Analects of Confucius")"Born with knowledge" is paltry, and that is the sage,we can't find the examples in real life, although Confucius also depends on "bent on learning" and then "learning to know the truth"; Confucius said, "I'm not be born with knowledge,I like the ancient, work hard and pursue it."("Analects of Confucius")To be clear, these four words of "learning to know the truth" is not simple in two aspects:The first,do not look down upon it, not learning the lever principle can pry the stone,of course not the arms can win victories, we should Look at the big and wide. Second, "learning to know the truth" obtained the "wisdom" is not necessarily the "gnosis", only through the "deliberate thinking" and put into practice and then "clear distinguish", defines the application range of the relative knowledge, finally can "unity in knowing and doing". Through these two difficulties, the author thinks that,"learning to know the truth" should to be reached a level of "no longer confused" which Confucius at 40. Zhu Xi explained the "knowledge and purpose" can be great for this process,he sai,"the spirit has its understanding,the world things all have their own reason, for the reason is endless,the knowledge is no the education should be started by "The Great Learning", be sure to make the learners familiar with the world of all things, depend on he has to explored the other, to pursuit the limit. When paying a great deal of energy, your brain may understand the thorough meaning suddenly, and then, all the major and minor in everything will be displayed in the heart, and now, we know everything deeply and close to "the harmony between man and nature".


[1] Sun Xidan, The Book of Rites Solutions,Zhonghua Book Company, 1989.

[2] Wang Xianqian, Solutions of Xun Zi, Zhonghua Book Company,1988.

[3] Liu Baonan,Analects justice, Zhonghua Book Company,1978.

[4] Cheng Shude,The Analects of Confucius, Zhonghua Book Company,1990.

[5] Jiao Xun, Manlius justice, Zhonghua Book Company,1987.

[6] Sima Qian, Records of the historian, Zhonghua Book Company, 1982.

[7] Wang Bing, Hangdog Neijing Suwen(Siku Quanshu),Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House,1987.

[8] Zhu Xi, Four chapter’s variorum, Zhonghua Book Company,2012.

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