
时间:2022-05-18 03:28:39


【摘要】本文是作者阅读英国喜剧演员George Grosssmith与其弟Weedon Grosssmith作品The Diary of Nobody(《小人物日记》)的读后感。阅读这本日记体作品,作者感受到了当时英国社会某一社会群体的生活质地。本文列举了印象深刻的某些细节描写,并做归类,对这部作品折射出来的英国社会的主要方面做了一次回顾与总结。

【关键词】 《小人物日记》;英国社会;文化

《小人物日记》(The Diary of a Nobody, 1891)最早连载于1888年5月至1889年5月间的《笨拙》(Punch)杂志上,后来集结成书。此书作者是英国多才多艺的喜剧演员乔治・格罗史密斯(George Grosssmith, 1848-1912)和他的弟弟威登(Weedon Grosssmith, 1852-1919)。据说,这本书是钱钟书先生生前最喜爱的书之一。当我终于静心展卷品读,确感越品越有味,越读越喜"阅"。粗读此书,吸引我的主要是字里行间的平民气息;细读品味,则深为此双语版本的翻译艺术、原著本身的英文语言魅力所折服;闭卷深思,主人公Pooter的日常琐事、内心情感及其周遭人物的嬉笑怒骂,则让我感受到了一个多世纪以前英国社会某一群体的生活质地。关于双语版本翻译艺术、原著语言魅力,本文作者都有专文探讨分析。下文将致力探讨该书所反映出的英国社会的方方面面,归类举例讨论如下:


Chapter 9 November 15

A red-letter day. Our first important party since we have been in this house. I got home early from the City. Lupin insisted on having a hired waiter, and stood a half-dozen of champagne....The supper-room looked so nice, and Carrie truly said:"We need not be ashamed of its being seen by Mr. Perkupp, should he honour us by coming."(P144)


Chapter 19 April 27

In the evening, to my surprise, he called with a very nice letter from Mr. Finsworth, saying if we (including Carrie) would dine with them tomorrow (Sunday), at two o'clock, he would be delighted. (P282)


Chapter 20 May 10

...Franching said he was sorry he had no lady for me to take in to dinner. I replied that I preferred it, which I afterwards thought was a very uncomplimentary observation to make. (P298)



二、 晚上读书习惯

We all three sat reading in silence until ten, while Carrie and I rose to go to bed. (P160)



三、 周日礼拜习惯

Chapter 11 November 26

Sunday--The curate preached a very good sermon today--ery good indeed. (P176)


Chapter 19 April 28

...He evidently did not see my little joke, although I repeated it twice with a little laugh. I suddenly remembered it was Sunday, and Mr. Short was perhaps VERY PARITCULAR. In this I was mistaken, for he was not at all particular in several of his remarks after dinner....


...Went to church in the evening, and could scarcely keep awake....(P288)





这点可从178页Chapter 11 November 26 Mr. Burwin-Fosselton写给Mr. Pooter的那封信里看出来。这封信一页半不长的信里,共有两处使用了法语,三处使用了拉丁文。这多多少少反映出当时文化人的某些语言修养与习惯。

五、 迎接新年的习惯

Chapter 13 December 31

A most terrible fog came on, and Lupin would go out in it, but promised to be back to drink out the Old Year -- a custom we have always observed. (P208)

起了浓雾,可卢品还要出去,不过答应回来喝酒迎新年 -- 这是我们一直都遵从的习俗。



Chapter 15 February 9

In the evening, Carrie was engaged marking a half-dozen new collars I had purchased. I'll back Carrie's marking against anybody's. (P232)



七、 当时报纸的某些特色

Chapter 18 April 20

Cummings called, hobbling in with a stick, saying he had been on his back for a week. ... Cummings said this was the second time he had been laid up, and we have never sent to inquire. I said I knew nothing about it. Cummings said;"It was mentioned in the BICYCLE NEWS." (P276)


Chapter 19 April 29

... The subject was fortunately changed, and Cummings read a most interesting article on the superiority of the bicycle to the horse.(P292)




Chapter 7 August 29

Mrs. James is making a positive fool of Carrie. Carrie appeared in a new dress like a smock-frock. She said "smocking" was all the rage. I replied it put me in a rage. (P116)

Chapter 18 April 18

Mrs. James, of Sutton, called in the afternoon. She and Carrie draped the mantelpiece in the drawing-room, and put little toy spiders, frogs and beetles all over it, as Mrs. James says it's quite the fashion. (P274)


Chapter 18 April 22

I have of late frequently noticed Carrie rubbing her nails a good deal with an instrument, and on asking her what she was doing, she repllied:"Oh, I'm going in for manicuring. It's all the fashion now." ... (P276)

最近,我发现卡丽总是拿着一个东西不停地打磨指甲,就问她在干什么,她回答说:"啊,我在修指甲,现在很时髦的。" ……

Chapter 22 May 30

... When I came home in the evening I found Carrie buried in a book on Spiritualism, called THERE IS NO BIRTH, by Florence Singleyet. I need scarcely say the book was sent her to read by Mrs. James, of Sutton....


... Mrs. James seemed surprised and said:"All the world is going mad over the book."... (P330)






Chapter 6 August 20

... and as it was cold, we stayed in and played games; Gowing, as usual, overstepped the mark. He suggested we should play"cutlet", a game we never heard of. He sat on a chair, and asked Carrie to sit on his lap, an invitation which dear Carrie rightly declined.

After some species of wrangling, I sat on Gowing's knees and Carrie sat on the edge of mine. Lupin sat on the edge of Carrie's lap, then Cummings on Lupin's, and Mrs. Cummings on her husband's. We looked very ridiculous, and laughed a good deal.

Gowing then said:"Are you a believer in the Great Mogul?" We had to answer all together:"Yes -- oh, yes!" (three times). Gowing said:"So am I," and suddenly got up. The result of this stupid joke was that we all fell on the ground ... (P104)




Chapter 15 February 11

Gowing dropped in just in time, bringing with him a large sheet, with a print of a tailless donkey, which he fastened against the wall. He then produced several separate tails, and we spent the remainder of the evening trying blindfolded to pin a tail on in the proper place. My sides positively ached with laughter when I went to bed.(P236)




Chapter 14 January 5

I can scarcely write the news. Mr. Perkupp told me my salary would be raised 100 pounds! I stood gaping for a moment unable to realize it. I annually get 10 pounds rise, and I thought it might be 15 pounds or even 20 pounds; but 100 pounds surpasses all belief....

Lupin gave three cheers...Lupin ordered us to "fill up" again, and addressing us upstanding, said,"Having been in the firm of Job Cleanands, stock and share-brokers, a few weeks, and not having paid particular attention to the interests of my superiors in office, my Guv'nor, as a reward to me, allotted me 5 pounds worth of shares in a really good thing. The result is, to-day I have made 200 pounds."... (P220)



Chapter 20 May 10.

...As he had said nothing about dress in the letter, I wired back:"With pleasure. Is it full dress?" and by leaving out our name, just got the message within the sixpence. (P296)



Chapter 21 May 16.

To my amazement, I read that Gylterson and Sons had absolutely engaged Lupin at a salary of 200 pounds a year, with other advantages. (P320)


Chapter 23 July 1.

Today we lose Lupin, who has taken furnished apartments at Bayswater, near his friends, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Posh, at two guineas a week. I think this is most extravagant of him, as it is half his salary. (P350)


Chapter 23 July 4.

Lupin sneered, and said Mr. Posh was worth thousands. "Posh's one-price hat" was a household word in Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, and all the big towns throughout England. Lupin further informed me that Mr. Posh was opening branch establishments at New York, Sydney, and Melbourn, and was negotiating for Kimberley and Johannesburg.


Lupin said:"Why, he has settled over 10000 pounds on Daisy, and the same amount on'little girl.' If at any time I wanted a little capital, he would put up a couple of 'thou' at a day's notice, and could buy up Perkupp's fim over his head at any moment with ready cash."

On the way home in the carriage, for the first time in my life, I was inclined to indulge in the radical thought that money was NOT properly divided. (P360)




坐马车回家的路上,我脑海中不断地浮现出一个激进的想法--这是我一生中第一次这样-- 这世界真是贫富不均呀!


十一、 代沟问题

Chapter 23 July 1.

... Today we lose Lupin, who has taken furnished apartments at Bayswater, near his friends, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Posh, at two guineas a week. I think this is most extravagant of him, as it is half his salary. Lupin says one never loses by a good address, and, to use his expression, Brickfield Terrace is a bit "off". Whether he means it is "far off' I do not know. I have long since given up trying to understand his curious expressions. I said the neighbourhood had always been good enough for his parents. His reply was:"It is no question of being good or bad. There is no money in it, and I am not going to rot away my life in the suburbs. (P350)


Chapter 23 July 3.

We promised to go; but I must say in my simple mind the familiar way in which Mrs. Posh and Lupin addressed each other is reprehensible. Anybody would think that they had been children together. I certainly should object to a six months' acquaintance calling MY wife "Carrie" and driving out with her. (P354)


点评:对金钱的使用态度,对居住环境地点的选择,对朋友称谓分寸的把握 --这些统统都折射出了两代人迥然不同的观念。在快速城镇化的今天,在大批年轻人宁可在城市做"蚁族"也不愿回农村的现代中国,"我可不想把我的一生都毁在郊区"这句话是否照见了我们自己生活的现实?代沟,可谓超越时空亘古不变之话题!


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