
时间:2022-05-15 05:09:09



>> 中国电影产业转型中的金融资本研究 中国电影资本打入好莱坞 中国电影产业投融资风险研究 中国电影产业的集中度研究 中国电影动画产业问题分析与对策研究 关于对中国电影产业融资问题的相关研究 中国电影产业探究 中国电影营销的问题研究 境外资本进入中国电视业的模式研究 权力与资本裹挟下的中国电影 中国电影产业发展现状及问题分析 浅谈中国电影产业投资的现状、问题以及策略分析 基于SCP分析框架的中国电影产业结构现状和对策研究 面向创意文化的中国电影产业研究 中国电影产业发展的力量分析与对策研究 论新时期中国电影产业的发展现状与对策研究 “2013中国电影产业研究报告艺术报告” 中国电影产业投融资模式转变与贸易竞争力提升研究 中国电影产业盈利模式的思考 中国电影产业化发展模式探析 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l。










Research on Issue of Access to Chinese Film Industry for Foreign Investment

Yang Fan

(School of International Law, China University of Politics Science and Law, Beijing 100097, China)

Abstract: Foreign investment's entry to Chinese film industry is going to be allowed, as one of the actions to be implemented in order to promote the development of film industry according to Film Industry Promotion Law(Draft). Due to the current administration system, investment from overseas, Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan finds it hard to get involved in Chinese filmmaking, distribution and screening. Nevertheless, comparing the current regulations with the relevant provisions of Film Industry Promotion Law(Draft), we conclude that far from lowering the threshold, the new law sets even more limits for foreign investment on access to filmmaking in China. Thanks to the open and free industrial policies, we've seen the development of film industry in India, Korea and Vietnam after their adoption of the changed administration system-transforming from regulating model to promoting model. Finally, the most appropriate resolution for China is to gradually offer foreign investment the access to movie theatres, theatre chains, film distribution and filmmaking in turn.

Key words: film industry promotion; administration of films; foreign investment access; access for investment from Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan

上一篇:从诺奇克与罗尔斯的自由主义哲学比较看中国实... 下一篇:明清时期鲁商与晋商异同比较及原因分析