“We Make Desserts For a Living!”

时间:2022-05-12 06:47:40

Aishwarya Nair

Owner, Dolce at The Leela

Cosmo: What do you do?

Aishwarya nair: “I handle the corporate food and wine portfolio of The Leela Palaces and hotels. I also have a pastry brand called Dolce by The Leela, which is purely built out of the love for food. Proceeds go into contributing to help stray dogs and the SPCA.”

C: What are the top things to keep in mind while baking?

An: “Do not complicate your dessert. Use techniques that you are comfortable with, before advancing. And remember that presentation is everything.”

C: If you had 20 minutes to serve a dessert, what’d it be?

An: “Seasonal fruit crumble with an apple honey infused mascarpone.”

C: Who are your favourite dessert chefs and why?

An: “I love Elizabeth Falkner and Francois Payard, for their technique, flavour palette and their creativity.”

Zeba Kohli

Owner, Fantasie Fine Chocolates

Cosmo: When did you decide to become a chocolatier?

Zeba kohli: “Chocolates were a part of our family business, which focussed on the betterment of the under privileged. It made me feel productive, so I threw myself into the job.”

C: What’s the best part about making chocolates for a living?

Zk: “My days go in tasting chocolates and developing new flavours! It’s a constant quest of tasting, pairing and creating new things.”

C: And the hardest part?

Zk: “The fact that I have to watch my weight, because I love to sample and eat, and can’t seem to stop!

C: What’s the most important skill required to be a chocolatier?

Zk: “One needs to be aware of the fine and subtle notes of chocolate in order to pair it correctly with another ingredient, to enhance its flavour. Also, it’s imperative to understand how to work with chocolate scientifically, or else it changes character.”

Shaana Gwynne

Owner, Butterfly The Cupcake Shop

Cosmo: When did you first decide to be a dessert chef?

Shaana Gwynne: “I’ve been baking since I was a kid. I haven’t had any formal training, but my husband has been my inspiration. He’s a chef and helped me develop my skills as a baker.”

C: What the best part about making desserts for a living?

SG: “I love the satisfactory grins on people’s faces when they eat a tasty cupcake or see a tiered cake. But most of all, I have such a crazy sweet tooth that it’s awesome to be able to bake whatever I want to eat!”

C: What’s the hardest part?

SG: “Bakers have to wake up early. I am not a morning person at all. It’s my neverending battle!”

C: Can you recall a funny culinary incident?

SG: “I started out as a very messy baker. When I first baked for my husband, he walked into the apartment and there was flour everywhere and I threw a ball of dough at him like a five-year-old child. Needless to say, he was mortified!”

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