巧设情境 演绎精彩

时间:2022-05-10 03:25:22

【前言】巧设情境 演绎精彩由文秘帮小编整理而成,但愿对你的学习工作带来帮助。S2:You often cook meals for your family. T: Oh ,I’m sorry. I seldom cook meals because I am not very good at cooking. S3:You often wash the clothes. T:Yeah, you are right. I often wash the clothes. That is to say I often do the laundry. T:Wha...

语言学家克鲁姆强调:“成功的外语课堂教学应该是创造更多的情境,让学生有机会使用自己学到的语言材料。”中国学生学习英语,缺少濡染的外部环境,课堂成为学生使用英语的主阵地。因此,在日常的英语课堂教学中,教师的主要任务不是单纯地讲解词汇、语法知识,更应巧妙地创设各种语言情境,充分利用课堂教学这一载体,使学生身临其境、轻松愉快地学习英语,从而提高运用英语的能力。笔者试以牛津英语9BUnit 2 “Robots Comic strip & welcome to the unit”的教学设计为例,谈谈教学情境的创设及作用。



T:From Monday to Friday, I am always busy working. But at the weekend I often do some housework. What kind of housework do I often do ? Can you guess?

S1:You often clean your house.

S2:You often cook meals for your family.

T: Oh ,I’m sorry. I seldom cook meals because I am not very good at cooking.

S3:You often wash the clothes.

T:Yeah, you are right. I often wash the clothes. That is to say I often do the laundry.

T:What else do I often do?

S4:You often iron clothes.


T:But If I am too busy. I often take my clothes to a laundry to have them washed.

【设计意图】2008年以来,江苏省海门市教研室提出“学程导航,智慧课堂”的教学范式,渗透“以学定教,顺学而导”的核心理念,变“先教后学”为“先学后教”,强调课前预习。基于此,对于这个教学内容,笔者在认真研读教材的基础上只布置给学生两个预习任务,其中一个为“根据音标拼读生词,了解词义、词性”。传统的预习检查方式,老师只要求学生拼一拼、读一读、说一说,方法单调,枯燥乏味,很难调动学生的积极性。笔者从交流日常生活开始,精心设计语言情境,巧妙设置一些信息差任务,利用新旧知识的联系,很自然地引出了laundry,iron,explore等生词,在检查学生拼读的同时,通过屏幕呈现“I iron clothes with an iron.”让学生思考后得出结论:iron 既可以作动词,也可以作名词;通过“do the laundry”“There are many laundries in the street”的思考可以得出结论:laundry指“洗衣物”时是不可数名词,指“洗衣房”时是可数名词。这些知识的掌握,不是依赖教师简单的说教,而是让学生在轻松的语言交流中主动获取。



T:Just now we talked about different kinds of robots. As we know, they can do many things for humans. If you design a robot ,what do you want it to do for you / others?



If you design a robot, what do you want it to do for you/others?

If I design a robot, I want it to help me do all the housework so that I can read more books to improve my teaching English.


S1:If I design a robot, I want it to play soft music for me especially when I am tired so that I can feel relaxed.

T:Good idea.

S2:If I design a robot, I want it to help the blind people. It can tell interesting stories to make them happy. When they go out ,it can guide them so that they can be safe.

T:What a kind girl! I believe your dream will come true.

S3:If I design a robot ,I want it to do all my homework so that I can play and sleep all day.(下转第63页)

(上接第47 页)

T:Oh, just like Eddie. A little lazy. Maybe you think you have lots of homework to do and you have to go to bed late every evening. I know you need enough sleep to grow healthily. As teachers,we should give you less homework, but as students, learning is your own duty. Remember, do homework by yourselves, and you will be cleverer and cleverer.

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