
时间:2022-05-07 12:30:30

2012年9月,来自北京的学生Charles开始了在美国寄宿高中Choate Rosemary Hall学习的第4个年头,也是最后一年。

In September 2012, Charles, a boy from Beijing started his fourth and last year at Choate Rosemary Hall, a boarding school in the U.S.

2012年9月,来自北京的学生Charles开始了在美国寄宿高中Choate Rosemary Hall学习的第4个年头,也是最后一年。开学第一天,作为高年级的学生,Charles穿着“我能帮助你吗?”的T恤衫,在教堂里看着新生们人头攒动,排队等待在一本有着上百年历史且极为厚重的书册上写下自己的名字,以此宣告正式加入Choate这个社区,并决心为此社区带来更多积极的影响力。眼前的景象让Charles似曾相识,看着眼神陌生并有些胆怯的新生们,Charles回想起3年前的自己,也一定是同一种表情。











On the first day of the school, and a senior student now, Charles wore the “Can I help you?” T-shirt in the church, watching the new comers in queue, who were to sign their names on a heavy book. The book has more than 100 year’s history, just like the school. Students committed to joining the Choate community and contributing to it. The scene was every familiar. Charles watched the slightly timid new students and thought he was exactly like that three years ago.

In the summer of 2009, Charles flew into Wallingford in Connecticut for Choate summer program. He was curious about everything there. The school was so welcoming and friendly that Charles immediately found himself part of the community. “I was there only for the summer program and not a fully-fledged student yet. But I wasn’t treated as an outsider. I felt very much part of the community.”

“Choate is inclusive and there seems to be so many possibilities,” said Charles. Other schools have uniforms while Choate respects individuality. Students have different personalities and pursuits. Some are very much into sports, others love academic studies; still others are passionate about art. Charles chose Choate especially for its diversity. “I didn’t come here to polish up a particular skill. I wanted to be all rounded.”

The biggest difference between boarding and non-boarding school is that you not only study with classmates and teachers at boarding school, you live a life with them. Every morning, Charles and his housemates prepared the day together. They rushed from one classroom to the next. After three in the afternoon, he had activity with another group. But he came back to his house for studies and learning with housemates in the evening. There are many ex-curriculum activities and clubs to choose from. For the four years, Charles joined the math club. He was lucky enough to be the co-captain of the club in the graduating year.

Mr. Yankus is the most senior teacher at Choate, and he has been with the school for nearly 50 years. There is a widespread joke at Choate. The grandfather, an old Choate graduate chatted with his grandson, who is studying at Choate. “Who is your English teacher?” asked the grandfather. “Mr. Yankus,” answered the grandson. “Really?” replied the grandfather, “He was my English teacher too.” Mr. Yankus impressed Charles very much, not just for his seniority, but also his tough and demanding courses. Mr. Yankus became Charles’s English teacher in sophomore year. Charles had to acknowledge that his English improved so much that year. Charles said Mr. Yankus had a lot of self-invented tips to help students write essays, for example, using more vocabulary in articles. Thanks to Yankus, Charles’s English maintained straight A’s since junior year.

Sports are always hot on campus. Charles isn’t quite an athletic, but he plays squash and tennis. For sports enthusiasts, Choate offers a lot of options. Students from different clubs practice eagerly on the playground in the afternoon. There are matches on Wednesday and Saturdays. The campus always gears itself up for matches. The excitement and tension are infectious. Choate is not only excellent in academics, sports are outstanding too. In 2012, the basketball team and other sports teams have won championship in the New England region.

Choate encourages every student to unleash his or her potential, and the school helps in every way possible. Charles is very grateful for that.

When sophomore year finished, Charles completed all the computer science courses. Choate didn’t have more to teach him. But there were still two years to go before graduation and Charles didn’t want to waste his time. To help with this special case, the school leveraged its network. It happened that an English teacher’s husband was lecturer at Yale University and Yale could offer Charles more to study. Starting from junior year, Charles studied at Yale. This was not unprecedented, but the last such case happened in the 1990s.

It takes thirty minutes to get to Yale. The school even provided Charles with tickets. There was calendar clash and Choate moved its courses around to accommodate Charles. Charles is grateful till this day, and he could carry his credits at Yale to any American university he was to attend.

Charles didn’t want to make a big deal of being Kennedy’s alumnus. “Now it’s all about us.” People don’t talk about famous alumni usually. Charles said he only thought of Kennedy when he saw Kennedy’s portrait on basement wall of the library. Students are reminded of the famous alumni at commencement or graduating ceremony, when they hear speakers mentioning those famous people.

Time flies and the last year is drawing to an end. By Choate tradition, senior students sit around the bonfire in a circle in April to burn rejection letters from universities, a tradition called incendium. Fortunately Charles was spared. He had been admitted on early admission by his second choice Stanford and then the first choice MIT in March.

2013年3月,Choate Rosemary Hall的国际学习部主任James Anderson带领了8位学生来到北京进行为期一个学期的学习,《私人飞机》借此机会,向James Anderson详细了解了这所知名美国寄宿高中吸引学生的元素。









In March 2013, James Anderson, Director of Global Studies of Choate Rosemary Hall took eight students to Beijing for one-term studies. U-Jet met with James Anderson to learn more about the attractions to Choate.

U-Jet: How does Choate stand out vs. other American high schools?

Anderson: Most boarding schools for senior high in the States concentrate in New England regions. The great thing about boarding schools is that they prepare students not just for further studies, but for entering the society and for life. Choate teachers don’t just teach, they also guide students in the skills of life. Every school has a personality, and here at Choate, we focus very much on fidelity and integrity. A boarding school is a small community. Teachers and students mingle not only in classrooms, but in everyday life as well. Choate is one of the largest boarding schools in the U.S., and we have more resources for students.

U-Jet: Choate has a lot of famous alumni, including the former president Kennedy and Michael Douglas. How does the school feel about it?

Anderson: Choate locates in Wallingford on the east coast. We attract students from all over the States and more than 40 countries in the world. Choate is not that far away from New York, so we also have students from New York, thus building our ties with the world’s finance and media centre. A lot of political figures and entertainment celebrities have studied at Choate, adding glamor to our alumni list. Alumni come back to the school from time to time to speak to students and share their life experiences. Choate awards honors to them.

U-Jet: What qualities and characteristics is Choate seeking in students?

Anderson: We hope students come here fully prepared. They need to be willing to be part of the community and be aware of what they can contribute to the community. They are encouraged to learn from others in the community. We want to see passionate, open, creative and courageous students. Once students come to Choate, they need to continue to unleash their potential, solidify their strengths and work on other capabilities.

U-Jet: How to apply to Choate?

Anderson: You just log on our official website and provide necessary materials. The school will arrange interviews after the initial assessment. We also arrange overseas interviews, and it is November for Chinese candidates. It is very necessary to interview, during which we try to gauge the individuality and characteristics of students. Some candidates have excellent scores, but Choate might not be keen on them. We prefer not so perfect candidates, so that the school can bring out their potential.

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