Building Socialist core value system and thinking of strengthening the construct

时间:2022-05-03 06:23:38

Abstract. Traffic enterprise core value system, in fact, fully embodies the rich connotation of socialist core value system, as well as integrates the distinctive characteristics of the transportation industry, and adheres to the traffic the spirit and transportation core values. To construct good traffic corporate culture, one must first understand what its meaning is. Transportation enterprise core values focus on four areas: the spirit of the mission of transportation enterprises, transport enterprise vision, transportation enterprises and transportation enterprises core values.

Key words: Socialist core value system; construction; traffic management


It is particularly urgent and necessary to greatly enhance the transportation ability and level of social services, to further improve the transportation development of soft power, and to promote the development of modern transportation. To thoroughly implement the scientific concept of development, according to the requirements of the central authorities on the construction of the socialist core value system, this is an important issue that how to maintain the core value system of the establishment and development of the times in the transportation industry which is out of step with the party and government requirements and consistent with the expectations of the masses match, and echoes with building a socialist harmonious society, to improve transportation industry service levels. To carry out the transportation industry, social service capabilities satisfaction survey, is to improve the satisfaction of the industry, social credibility effective way, is to enhance the service level of the window industry, quality of service, competitive quality state inevitable requirement.

1. The significance of carrying out the transportation industry’s social services capacity

The CPC Central Committee has proposed to make the people's satisfaction as the starting point and goal to strengthen and innovate social management, to strengthen and innovate the public administration and the masses of the people's will and the need to closely combine for the interests of the masses of the people in mind, look forward to the masses full respect, understanding, caring for people, to focus management on the service, and to strive to achieve the organic unity of management and service.

1.1 The mission of the transport enterprises

The transportation business is a basic industry of the national economy. Transport links, production, circulation and consumption, is to promote a virtuous economic development and social progress of the foundation. Various fields of economic activity rely on good transportation conditions. It relates to all aspects of the basic necessities of the people. Social division of labor to achieve the optimal allocation of resources inevitably requires the simultaneous development of the transportation system. National and social stability, the deployment and delivery of military force rely on the supply of military equipment to the traffic conditions. It is a social and public utilities, and infrastructure services to all citizens, the transportation system for all citizens' consumption.

1.2 strengthening the important position of the cadres and workers of the transport undertakings

It is especially necessary to adhere to study and implement the scientific concept of development as the focus of the theory of armed efforts to train cadres and workers awareness of scientific development, to establish the scientific development concept, and to enhance ability to promote scientific development efforts to further strengthen the important position of the cadres and workers of the transport undertakings, historical responsibility and bear important responsibilities of education and guidance, and effectively improve the sustainable development of the deep-seated understanding of traffic management, transport workers and actively cultivate the spirit of "unity, cooperation, dedication, innovation and enterprising", thus truly grassroots traffic management unit thinking of the cadres and workers to the specific requirements of the scientific development concept up unified up to three services "and" scientific concept of the conservation, pool and stimulate officer venture the force the formation of focusing our attention on conservation, excellence focus on management, work together grasping the good situation of development.

2. Spiritual culture in the corporate core value system

The spirit of enterprise culture to guide enterprises to develop production and business activities of the various codes of conduct, and the sense of community and values, is based on the spirit of enterprise as the core value system. Then, how to make full use of the spiritual and cultural value of the core system? My company, after years of corporate culture construction and exploration, and the combination with the enterprise value of the core system, summary, refining and processing, has formed, including the spirit of enterprise, the purpose of the corporate vision, business philosophy, service slogan, a set of spiritual and cultural prototype with its own characteristics, to create a comprehensive "happy service" brand. Its brand philosophy: search for happiness in the human services and realize their own values, so the service process becomes a pleasure. After years of exploration and practice, our spiritual culture has penetrated to the core value system of the enterprise. The spiritual and cultural construction and gradually formed the core values of enterprise "happiness comes from the work of service creates value".

2.1 do a good job of ideological and political work of the transport unit

We must insist on the unity of thinking, gathering strength as the starting point of the ideological and political construction. Therefore, we must adhere to the theory of the armed and the situation of education as the main measure, we must respond to the parent organization to carry out the "create learning industry, learning workers built a learning team activities, and carry out the study of political theory, focus industry situation and tasks of education, adhere to a recurring situation in the province, and discuss the content of the education of the city, the situation and tasks, duties and mission, educate the transport workers unity of thinking, which based on jobs, innovation and progress and improve the cadres and the cadres and workers of the primary traffic management units the quality of the political and ideological consciousness of the workers, a sense of urgency and a sense of mission, to promote the sound and rapid development of the highway industry to provide a strong ideological guarantee, motivation and intellectual support.

2.2 Application of corporate culture in core value system

Socialist core value system is the core value system of our society as a whole, which plays a leading role in determining the basic characteristics of the whole value system. And the basic direction is also fundamental building harmonious culture. So, how to strengthen the construction of the core value system of road transport enterprises, to build a smooth and efficient integrated transport system, safety green, and to promote the healthy and rapid modern transportation, sustainable development, is an important issue which needs to seriously study and practice. Now combining enterprise culture of Zhangjiakou Tongtai Transportation Group Limited Xuanhua Branch with core value system of the construction of the actual is the application of the corporate culture in the core value system.

2.3 System of socialist core value is the soul of the spirit within the socialist system

Socialist core value system to leading social thought and cultural development, and strive to build the ideological and moral foundation of common struggle in the people to understand and transform the world, to create and realize the value of the process, is bound to a certain values. The so-called core value system, which is under certain historical conditions, is relatively stable in the formation of long-term understanding and practice activities play a leading role in the system of values. Any society has its own core value system, which is a certain social system is maintained and the basic spirit of relying on the operation of certain social systems. The core value system is not only the role of the various aspects of economic, political, cultural and social life, and imposed huge profound impact on the world, life and values of each member of society. Therefore, the socialist core value system is the soul of the spirit within the socialist system.

3. Transportation enterprise core value system

Grasping the fundamental socialist core value system and strengthening the transportation enterprise culture of building a transportation company's core value system of socialist core value system embodies is the essence of the transportation companies and the main carrier, and also the transportation enterprise ideological and cultural construction of long-term accumulation formation the spiritual achievements, leading cadres and employees to make up ideological basis, reflecting the profound meaning and spiritual essence of the socialist core value system. The five areas of their core values, corporate mission, shared vision, transportation spirit and ethics constitute the basic content of the core value system of transportation.

3.1 core value system of transportation industry

The core values embodied in the transportation industry, mainly in the aspects of the trade mission, shared vision, core values, traffic ethics and traffic spirit. Several aspects of mutual ties promote them all to form a core value of the body. This value of the body is the formation of the intellectual and cultural achievements in the transportation of cadres and workers in practice. It is profoundly reveals a concentrated expression of the core values of the transport sector and the connotation which is an important foundation for the development of transportation undertakings and spiritual home. The transport sector is able to better reflect the core values of the transport sector should be thinking. Such core values can better solve the basic properties of the transport industry and fundamental purpose. The core values of the transport sector are mainly reflected in the following ways: First, it is necessary to achieve convenience, freight smooth, which are the basic business and service objectives of the transport sector. Transportation sector as an important industry of the national economy, relates to the development of the national economy, so as to improve its safety, efficiency, smooth, which can fundamentally solve the road is hard, difficult to transport of goods. The core values is to ask the transportation department to establish reasonable layout, fully functional, effective interface between the transportation system, and create a fair, just, good public transport market environment, the transport sector for the development of the national economy. Secondly, we must strive to serve the masses, contributing to society, which is the transportation industry, serving the people wholeheartedly implement the transport sector in order to better reflect its core values. This is also reflected adherence to the people-oriented, honest and trustworthy, the spirit of selfless dedication to the industry to better promote the development of the transportation industry, continue to meet the socio-economic and the people need transportation.

3.2 The influential analysis of core value system to the transportation industry

Transportation, as the daily lives of people in a particular industry, should take the service concept of innovation transportation and the connotation of services as the primary goal. We should Continuously improve the level of service and quality of the transport sector as a principle of service, and actively carry out the fine service, branding services, standardized services, self-service activities and other activities, to further improve the publicity system, commitment the system, primary responsible system in the transportation industry efforts to build a fully functional, clean and beautify, comfortable and convenient transport services environment. But we have also actively to participate in the activities of Workers Vanguard, heroine and youth civilization, civilized demonstration of the transportation industry and window of civilized demonstration units produce a positive influence in the masses.

4. System of industry and enterprise core value should reflect the moral-oriented

Under the new historical conditions, the company's core value system of our industry highlights the moral-oriented. Ethical integrity is the conduct of this enterprise and the basic operating philosophy, and the basis of the corporate culture and the "bottom line". In the transition period, the Chinese enterprises have to pay more attention to foster corporate integrity management ethics, and treat it as the important standard whether a man is qualified, and whether his work competence is enough, whether his morality is qualified. In particular, we should take the "moral" as the most important character of the industry, with good moral image to win the trust of the masses of workers and national community, leading to moral new trend.

4.1 The transport sector needs to suffer the hard work

The transportation industry is a very hard industry, with is cold, and with the wind and the sun and which is also regardless of holidays, morning, middle time and evening, regardless of the test of days of the South today and North tomorrow, regardless of the test of sweat and bloodshed. Therefore, as transportation workers, they must have a special ability to endure hardship, to fight. And they must sweat and bleed without tears, not afraid of cold, afraid of the wind and sun, can the hardships withstand the exertion. We should make efforts to promote scientific and technological innovation and information construction. It is necessary to strengthen transportation construction management field key technologies and intelligent transportation technology research and extension and promote the transport of higher learning, research institutes and transportation management departments, transportation enterprises in technological innovation on the depth of cooperation, collaborative innovation and promote scientific research into practical productive forces as soon as possible.

4.2 Development of socialist core value system and economy

Comparing to the core values, the common core values of the society which is still lagging behind and yet to be extracted from the framework of socialist core value system, the concept of development, management philosophy, institutional mechanisms, policies and methods can be coordinated and mutually adapted, so as to put an end to a few leading cadres complacent and relax in the results before the phenomenon of ideological transformation and self-restraint for personal gain. The core values of the industry is highly condensed core value system of the transportation industry and scientific generalization, which also clarifies the fundamental task of the development of the industry and the core values of the pursuit, the nature-oriented development of industry development strategies and policies and basic follow. The core value of the industry is the core of the industry's core value system, so as to solve the basic attributes of the transportation industry and the fundamental purpose.

5. To establish and improve the network monitoring mechanism

Network communication to enhance the affinity of the Students' core value system provides a new opportunity. We also see that if no relevant institutions regulated governance of network communication, bad ideology can easily affect the political views of college students and value orientation, thus bring great difficulties to the regulation of public opinion-oriented. Therefore, to establish and improve the network monitoring mechanism, we must establish the network information dissemination accountability system, including the contents of the dissemination of information, personal privacy, intellectual property, liability accountability the evangelist and website for the infringement of the rights of others, the adverse social impact, maintenance the network normal social order and safety. It is also necessary to strengthen college students' self-discipline and moral values of university students from the idea and institution. Through news reports, the correct guidance of public opinion, the stability of the value system, healthy culture spread to create a harmonious network culture environment, it is necessary to create a network cultural ecology which is conducive to the promotion and can promote the socialist core value system.

6. Summary

Five years ago, when the socialist core value system "first appeared in the party's decision, it was corresponding to "building a socialist harmonious society ". The construction of a higher level of well-off society needs a harmonious and stable social environment, which must have a value system to support, so as to result in the power of one mind to promote the realization of the common goal.


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