
时间:2022-04-17 06:06:28

1.to get on : (to enter, board)

解析: to get on(搭乘,上车) 动词get的用法很多,常常在后面接用各种不同的介系词或副词而形成意义不同的习语。这里的on是介词,后面的bus和subway用作它的宾语。如果on作副词用,则有进步,相处甚好。 如:

(1) I always get on the bus at 34th Street.


(2) William gets on the subway at the same station every morning.


(3)He is getting on well with his classmates . 他和同学们相处得很好。

2.to get off : (to leave)

解析:to get off (下车)与上面的get on相反。get off也有好些其它的意义,如寄出,离开等。下车也可以用get out of a carriage或car, 不过下电车或公共汽车多用get off 。如:

(1) Helen got off the bus at 42nd Street.


(2) At what station do you usually get off the subway? 你通常在哪一站下地下火车?

(3)Please get the letters off in good time.


(4) A clever lawyer may be able to get you off. 一位聪明的律师可能会为你脱罪。

3.to put on: (to place on oneself-said particularly of clothes)


to put on (穿,戴)特别指穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽、戴眼镜也用这个成语。英文中还有wear和dress二字也是穿的意思。可是wear是继续的动作,表示穿着的状态,而put on是一时的动作。下面两个句子都是错的:

I shall wear my overcoat before I go out (应用put on).

In such cold weather I put on my overcoat all day (应用wear).

dress的意思是 put clothes on后面的宾语一定是人,如dress a child, dress oneself, be dressed in white,如:

(1) Mary dressed herself in a red coat and left. 玛丽穿上她的红外套就离开了。

(2) Why is John dressed in a strange suit? 约翰为什么穿着奇装异服?

4.to take off : (to remove)

解析:to take off (脱去)与put on 的意义相反,指脱去衣物鞋帽,可以用get off。 如:

(1) John took off his hat as he entered the room. 约翰在进屋时脱下他的帽子。

(2) Is Helen taking off her coat because it is too warm in the room? 海伦是不是因为室内太暖和而脱去她的外衣呢?

5.to call up: (to telephone)

解析:to call up (打电话给……)后面一定要有宾语,也就是接电话的人。如果宾语是代词的话,常插在call与up 之间。 如:

(1) I forgot to call up Mr. Jones yesterday although I promised to call him up exactly at three o'clock. 我昨天忘记打电话给钟斯先生,虽然我答应了在三点钟的时候打电话给他的。

(2) Did anyone call me up while I was out? 我出去的时候有人打电话来找我吗?

6.to turn on : (to start, begin)

解析:to turn on (扭开,打开)指扭开电灯,电炉,电扇,煤气等的按钮或开关,以及自来水的水龙头等而言。如:

(1) Please turn on the light. This room is dark. 请你扭开电灯,这房间太黑暗了。

(2) Someone turned on the radiator in this room while we were out. 我们外出时,有人把房内的电炉扭开了。

7.to turn off : (to stop)

解析: to turn off (关闭,停止)指扭熄电灯,关闭无线电、自来水等。关灯也可以用switch off the light. 如:

(1) Please turn off the light. We do not need it now. 请把电灯关了,我们现在不需要它。

(2) Shall I turn off the radio or are you still listening to it? 我可以把收音机关掉吗,你是不是还要收听呢?

8.right away : (immediately, at once, very soon)

解析:right away (立刻,马上)为美国口头语,没有immediately与at once正式,与right now (exactly now )的意思相仿。 如:

(1) She says that dinner will be ready right away. 她说晚餐马上就准备好了。

(2) Can William come to my office right away? 威廉能够立刻就到我的办公室来吗?

9.to pick up : (to take-especially with fingers)

解析:to pick up (拾起,拣起)尤指用手指把东西拿起来。to pick up还有很多其它的用法。如

a. 让人搭便车:

The motorist picked up a couple of servicemen along the highway这个乘汽车的人在公路上让两个军人搭乘便车。

b. 听会,自然学会,(言语,游戏等):

He never studied French; what he knows he picked up while living in France. 他从来没有学过法文;他所知道的是他住在法国的时候学会的。

c. 捉住,逮捕,选出:

I picked up London last night.昨晚我在无线电听到了伦敦的播音。如:

(1) John Picked up the newspaper which was on his desk. 约翰把书桌上的报纸拿了起来。

(2) Why didn't you pick up that pencil which lay on the floor? 你为什么不把地板上的那枝铅笔拾起来呢?

10.at once: (immediately, very soon, right away)

解析: at once (立刻,马上)为通用的副词,也可以表示“同时”,如:

(1) He asked me to come to his office at once. 他请我立刻就到他的办公室去。

(2) I want you to send this telegram at once. 我希望你马上把这电报发出去。

(3)This book is at once interesting and instructive. 此书既有趣又有启发性。

(4)We can’t do two things at once. 我们不能同时做两件事。

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