
时间:2022-04-14 05:15:46



>> 促进基本公共文化服务标准化均等化 公共服务标准化顶层设计的战略思考 基本公共服务标准化:政府统筹城乡发展的一种可行性选择 “分散化公共治理”下的政府公共服务标准化建设 我国公共服务标准化问题探讨 积极稳妥推进农村公共服务标准化 城市公共休闲服务呼唤标准化 创新区域旅游公共服务标准化 江苏现代公共文化服务标准化建设探析 公共服务标准化利国利民 安徽公共文化服务标准化建设初探 论标准化基本原理 公共服务标准化的国内外比较及对策研究 公共服务均等化的影响因素及标准化体系建构 谈标准化在公共服务领域的应用及研究 我国实施体育公共服务标准化的研究 文化馆公共文化服务的标准化、均等化探索 我国推进公共服务标准化的形势和任务 我国公共体育服务标准化建设的保障机制 综合标准化在社会管理和公共服务中的应用研究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.

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The Standardization of Fundamental Public Service

Yu Jianxing Qin Shangren

[Abstract] As a way of govemance mechanism, standardization is a process of carrying forward the value. endogenous, objectivity and intercommunity of standard. Governance of fundamental public service is accorded with the conception of standardization. To promote the governance of fundamental public service , standardization governance will provide the political value, the management value and institutionalization value. Standardization delivers the fair value anddemocratic value of the public service by technical rational way; it can also provide the execution power. and provide the execution power to make service delivery considerate and sustainable. In a word, the standardization of fundamental public service is a governance process, a way of governance mechanism andin a sense a kind of governance paradigm.

[Keywords] fundamental public service, standardization, governance mechanism

[Authors] Yu Jianxing is Professor of Public Management School, Zhejiang University; Qin Shangren is Ph. D Candidate at School of Public Management, Zhejiang University. Hangzhou 310058

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