
时间:2022-04-01 05:07:49

万千粉丝翘首等待一年多的《最终幻想13》确定于2009年12月17日在三种游戏平台同步上市。这套系列游戏的最新篇到底有何亮点?我们请来游戏监制北濑佳范以及史克威尔艾尼克斯公司(Square Enix)总裁桥本真司为大家预热一下!如果你拥有PS3、XBox360或者PSP的话,到时一定不要错过这部神作哦!

Q: It’s

well- known by now that Final Fantasy XIII is no longer PS3 exclusive[独占的]. Some fans are extremely disappointed, right?

Yoshinori Kitase (Producer): I think their main concern is that going multi-platform might

decrease[减少] the game’s quality. Actually, the PS3 version was first developed. The team worked really hard to ensure this version used the very best PS3 abilities. After that, we optimized[使最优化] the game to XBox360 and PSP, so the overall quality is maintained.

Q: Why pick a female as a main character this time?

Kitase: In terms of overall scope[范围], Lightning that’s

not her real name, by the way will be the main

focus. We have had females in a semi-lead position in the previous games, like Tina in FFVI and Yuna in FFX. They are not quite the main role, though, so we want to give a full-fledged[羽翼丰满的] female lead a try, and face the challenge of creating a story around her.

Q: When you released those trailers and images and received such a strong reaction, did it put pressure on the team?

Kitase: With the Internet, we can get feedback right away whenever we

release something. A lot of people have opinions, you know, “This looks so cool!” or “This part sucks[(俚)差劲]!” If something

gets an especially positive or negative reaction, we’ll really take that into consideration and work it in or out of the game.

Q: What are the core values of Final Fantasy the things that make the series stand out from the pack of RPGs[角色扮演游戏]?

Shinji Hashimoto (Director, Square Enix): Different games have some key elements that differentiate[区分]

them from other games on the market. As for FF, we constantly try to reach the highest standard in that particular generation. We’re always trying to raise the bar and outdo[胜过] ourselves. And when we

succeed, users would look to[注意] us and say, “That is a great game!”












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