
时间:2022-03-27 09:57:07



作者简介:江华圣 (1946―),男,福建闽侯人,武汉科技大学中南分校信息工程学院副教授。

(武汉科技大学中南分校 信息工程学院,湖北武汉430223)




文章的主体是科技论文的 核心部分,是主题思想的展开和论述。科技英语论文在选材上要围绕主题,段落划分既要结构严谨,又要保证全文的整体性和连贯性。作者可根据需要在文章中加小标题,将主体内容分为几个部分进行论述。科技论文的英文写作通常把每段的主体句(Topic Sentence)放在段落的第一句,全段围绕主体句论述。分类与例证是科技论文写作中常用的写作方法



The early stages of scientific research involve making observations and gathering information. However, merely collecting facts is not enough. The scientist needs to arrange and classify the facts and to find relationships among them.

The word classification comes from the word class――meaning a group of things that all have one important element in common. Scientists group related information into an array. Chemists, for example, cannot study every element, but can make generalizations by arranging all the elements into groups with related properties. This, if iodine is identified as belonging to the same group as chlorine and bromine, its properties can be predicted. Similarly, since there are several million kinds of plants and animals on earth, it is clearly impossible to study each one. However, by classifying an animal as a member of a particular group, or species, a biologist can predict its characteristics. Classification is thus very basic to scientific thought and expressions.

Sentence Patterns

1、Classifying form general to specific

Application Examples

1、There are (number) types of NP(Noun Phrases)

There are several types of non-impact printers called thermal and electro sensitive printers (electrostatic printers).


2、 NP be of (number) types

(1)Magnetic disks are of two kinds, namely floppy and hard.


3、be divided

be subdivided

NP be classified

into (number) types

be grouped


(1) Computer software can be divided into two very broad categories: system software and application software.


(2) The hard disks, in turn, are subdivided into fixed head and moving-head disks which are either cartridge or pack.


(3) MOS technologies can be classified PMOS, NMOS, and CMOS.


(4)These routines are conveniently grouped three classes: task management, job management,data management.


(5)Secondary memory devices fall into two categories: sequential devices and random-access device


4、be classified

NP be classed


be categorized

(1)Line printers may be classified as impact printers and no impact printers.


(2)The machine instruction functions can be roughly classed as: data transfers. arithmetic and logic operations on data, program sequencing controls and input/output transfers.


二、 例证 (Exemplifying)


After giving a definition or making any general statement, the best way to clarify a point is to give an example of it. A Chinese proverb says that a picture is worth a thousand words(百闻不如一见), It might also be said that one example is worth a thousand explanations(事实胜于雄辩). An example brings the general or abstract statement down to a specific or concrete image. For example, it is one thing to say that smoking is bad for your health and another to say that a regular smoker loses about five and a half minutes of life expectancy for each cigarette smoked. The example adds impact, making the statement more memorable, and more persuasive, as well as providing evidence for it.

Scientists use examples to explain or clarify a concept and to give evidence to support it. Examples can sometimes seem to test the validity of a point. If no example can be found to illustrate a point, there may not be a point.

Sentence Patterns

For example,

For instance,

iron turn red when it is heated.

= Iron, for example, turns red when heated.

To be specific,

To illustrate,

an example

a case

Iron is

of a substance that turns red when heated.

an instance

an illustration



the concept of heat affecting color.



= The concept of heat affecting color is

by iron.


such as


iron and copper turn red when heated.


For example/for instance/ e.g.

NP be an example of NP

an example (of NP)is NP

Examples (of NP) are NP

as an example (of NP)

take NP as an example

take for example NP

give an example of NP

regard NP as an example

such as

(NP is short for Noun Phrase)

Application Examples

for example/for instance/ e.g.

1、 Computers can process information at extremely rapid rates. Modern computers can solve certain classes of arithmetic problems millions of times faster than a skilled mathematician.


2、 For instance, terminals with both video screen and hard -copy output are now available.


3、 Airline ticket reservation is one obvious example of real time.


4、 An example of sequential devices is the magnetic tape.


5、 As an example of a simple computer program let's assume that we wish to solve the problem of finding the sum of two numbers using a computer.


6、The memory of a computer equipped with base and current page addressing mechanism is logically divided into regions of a fixed length called pages. Take for example ...


7、We may regard a personal file of an employer as an example.


8、There are also attempts at"universal"languages, such as PL/1,that can manipulate many types of objects.


除了分类与例证的写作方法以外,科技英语论文常用的写作方法还有:比较(Comparing)、因果(Cause and Effect)、假设(Hypothesizing)、定义(Defining)、证明(Giving Evidence)、实验(Experiment)、计算(Calculating)、报告(Reporting)、记述(Describing)和预测(Predicting)等。


并列:and 、also、in addition、as well as

转折:although、even though、but、on the other hand、otherwise、 while、yet、in spite of

承接:first of all、secondly、thirdly、furthermore、moreover、besides、finally

条件:if ,whether、unless, on condition that、so long as

原因:for、because、for that reason、as、since、in order to

结果:as a result of 、hence、so 、consequently、thus、therefore、then

总结:in conclusion、to sum up 、to summarize、to conclude


[1] 江华圣. 信息技术专业英语[M]. 武汉: 武汉大学出版社,2006.

[2]王蕾. 新编计算机专业英语[M].乌鲁木齐:内蒙古大学出版社, 2002.

上一篇:城市公共视觉之文脉解析 下一篇:20世纪90年代以来日本研究生教育发展的分析与...