The relationship between advertising and media

时间:2022-03-22 08:40:50

【Abstract】Advertisement creativity is a creative thinking, creative means and ideas of the past did not have a thing or idea, or, in the past is irrelevant things or concepts are combined into new things or ideas. Good advertising creative works to make advertisement information more vivid, more convincing. Advertising creativity from its essence and connotation, not much difference. But in the creation process, advertising works on different media, inevitable requirement of advertising creative is different in design.

【Key words】Media;advertise;creative

Media, also known as the message spread, "which is the carrier of information dissemination of information, it is the material tools of information dissemination process to the recipient from among communicators. It plays asocial environment monitoring, coordination of social relations, cultural heritage, entertainment and so on. The media itself has no influence, it is through the spread of advertising messages to achieve its own value. Media mainly divided into four categories: (1) video media, including TV, web, video, etc. (2) the traditional plane media, including newspapers, magazines, posters, etc. (3) advertising media, including radio, mp3, etc. (4), outdoor media: containing single pillar, wall, light boxes, etc. Them due to the difference from nature, characteristics, mode of transmission, audience to accept , advertising creative to the resulting changes, so we will produce different constraints and influence on creativity.

Advertising is defined as: to determine the organizations or individuals for a certain purpose, rely on pay cost, within the prescribed period of time, in accordance with the requirements, specified by the media, the real information spread a kind of communication activity. The composition of advertising can be understood as: advertisers information + media + cost + audience. It`s purpose is to let people understand information, and guide people's behavior, change the idea of people. Advertising and media relations are interdependent and influence each other. The existence of the advertising on the basis of the media, the media indirectly determine advertising form. Advertising is to by the relevant products to the target audience through the medium of the channels of information. Media in advertising is the most important factor for the survival and development of the modern advertising is advertising, are expressed vector. The media space and time planning, combination, arrangement and the purchase of advertising effect is of great significance.

The advertisement creativity is a creative thinking, Good advertising creative works to make advertisement information more vivid, more convincing. From the nature and connotation of it, not much difference. But in the creation process, advertising works on different media, inevitable requirement of advertising creative is different in design, which naturally classified advertising. It includes: One. a planar media, creative, mainly in the form of newspapers and magazines, is characterized by a static picture and text representation for information to spread, demand of print media. In the process of advertising creative, it must be in a limited space through a variety of symbol and metaphor, as much as possible so that various figurative elements and advertising products association. Two, television advertising creative, realistic picture of television media and rich sound is very easy to cause the audience interest and then let the audience impression of an advertisement. The television media to let the audience feel and love advertising appeal of the products, so the creative personnel must try various devices to arrange a helps the audience memory point in originality. Three, broadcast advertising creative, although the only means of radio advertising is sound, but the radio advertising creativity should not only to sound as a creative element only, but should use the situation to carry out creative thinking, let the sound to stimulate the imagination, let the audience to "see" you wish scene and a profound impression. Four, outdoor advertising, outdoor advertising is a typical remote visual media, including signs, posters, billboards, neon lights, traffic, the audience only distance left over. Therefore, the outdoor advertising information should be concise and comprehensive, the text tries to simplify, picture to simple, so that in the mobile state of the audience in the moment will be able to capture the advertising information. Also taking into account the differences between the characteristics of outdoor media, such as abortion, sunshine, height, regulations and other factors. Different media have different characteristics, this characteristic determines the advertising creative must be based on the essence of advertising media for creative thinking. Generally, radio advertising media advertising creation requires creative in time for the structure with complex as the clue, under the premise of the advertising information with a continuously moving visual or auditory language to conceive and performance; and the planar media advertising creative in spatial structure under the premise of the concept and features of advertising information static not moving visual language.

No matter what form of creative expression, should be the subject in the performance of methods, choose the most suitable media, the work demands and media more closely together naturally, advertising will emit strong vitality, achieving the best communication effect.

With the rapid development of make a spurt of progress in market behavior and media form, and the extension of the connotation of advertising activities will change. We should also to study and learn to keep pace with the times advertising attitude.

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