《What should we do to fight SARS?》教学案例

时间:2022-03-13 01:22:40

《What should we do to fight SARS?》教学案例

话题:Unit 2 Topic 3 What should we do to fight SARS?




课题名称:Unit 2 Topic 3 What should we do to fight SARS?



(1)学会并运用本课重点单词:hurry,hurry up,question,go ahead,spread,

among,do exercise,all the time,keep away (from)及”should”的用法:

What should we do to fight SARS?

We should keep our rooms clean.

We should eat healthy food and do more exercise to build up our bodies.

(2)Talk about how to fight SARS.









1、Listen to an English song.


2、导入:Teacher asks the students “Have you ever been ill?How do you fight illness?If you aren’t ill,how do you keep healthy?”然后,大屏幕出示一些关于SARS病毒带来疾病的图片,然后引入本课话题:Unit 2 Topic 3 What should we do to fight SARS?

3、Let students talk about how to keep healthy in small groups.

T:How are you feeling today,class?

Ss:“Very well,thank you.”

T:I’m glad to hear that.That means you are in good health.Health is more important than wealth.Then how to keep healthy?You’d better say it with “should/ shouldn’t”.

S1:We should have healthy eating habits.

S2:We should do more exercise.

S3:We shouldn’t eat too much.

S4:We shouldn’t go to school without breakfast.

S5:We shouldn’t exercise without having meals.

S6:We should have enough sleep.

S7:We should brush teeth twice a day.

S8:We shouldn’t read in the sun.


T:Good advice.If we can do as you said,we can keep healthy.



T:Good habits can help us to keep healthy and bad habits can cause diseases.In 2003,there was a serious disease called SARS spreading.What do you know about SARS?

SARS is the short form for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.

T:It spreads easily among people.Write “ spread” on the blackboard.SARS is a serious disease,but we don’t have to be afraid of SARS.What should we do to fight SARS?Write What should we do to fight SARS?

T:Follow the examples to make dialogues using the sentence patterns:“We should…”.


Dialogue 1

A:What should we do to fight SARS?

B:We should do more exercise.

Dialogue 2

A:What should we do to fight SARS?

B:We should often wash hands .

Dialogue 3

A:What should we do to fight SARS?

B:We should keep away from animals.

5、Listen to the tape.Then let students answer the questions.

(1)What’s Kangkang’s father?

(2)What do you know about SARS according to the dialogue?

(3)What should we do to fight SARS?


(1)Kangkang’s father is a doctor.

(2)SARS spreads easily among people.

(3)We should eat healthy food and do more exercise to build up our bodies.We should keep our rooms clean and often open the windows.We shouldn’t go to crowded places.If we don’t feel well,we should go to see a doctor at once.


6、Let students read the dialogue loudly and then find out the key words and new words on the blackboard.

Hurry up/ on TV/ ask some questions/ go ahead/ SARS/ spread/ among/ healthy food/ do more exercise/ not go to crowded places来

7、Let students read the dialogue by yourselves,then practice it in groups of four.You can look at your books.Then close your books,and look at the key words on the blackboard,then act out the dialog in groups of four.


8、Let students look at the pictures and discuss what should we do to fight SARS.




(由健康话题转入对班规,校规的讨论,要用到must,mustn’t,以便导出本节目标语言don’t have to,needn’t.)


T:Having good habits can make us healthy.I think having good rules can make us study and live better.Do you think so?


T:What rules should we obey in the school?

S1:We should keep the school and classroom clean and tidy.

S2:We should wear the school uniforms.

S3:We should listen to the teacher carefully.

S4:We shouldn’t be late for class.

S5:We shouldn’t ride bikes on the playground.

S6:We shouldn’t keep long hair.

S7:We should…

11、sum up.






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