A Contrastive Study on the Two Chinese versions of WashingtonIvring’s Rural Life

时间:2022-03-12 08:15:41

【Abstract】with the introduction of deconstruction and hermeneutics to translation studies, the translator’s subjectivity has become a subject of concern. The thesis chooses one of the essays Rural Life in England written by Washing Irving. Through analyzing and compare the two Chinese versions, we can make clear how the translator’s subjectivity are embodied in the English prose translation. The thesis tries to analyze the two versions from the following four aspects: the rhythm, the use of words, the rendering of the style and the target language selection.

【Key words】English prose translation; The translator’s subjectivity; Rural Life in England

1. Introduction

Translation is viewed as a vital important way of communication between human beings with different languages. Hatim and Mason hold the idea that “translating as communicative process which takes place within a social context”. (Hatim & Mason: 1990) Truly, translation is not a static process, but a dynamic one. It is a complicated communicative process that relates several aspects, such as the source text, the target text, intention of the author, the certain readers and also subjectivity of the translator.

The thesis tries to make a case study on the two Chinese versions of Rural Life in England. Through the analysis, the readers can clearly find out the distinction between English and Chinese prose, and also can perceive some basic principles to translate English prose.

2. The translator’s subjectivity and prose translation

2.1 The change of the translator’s role

In the process of translation, the role of the translator changes from being neglected to being emphasized, from the marginalized status to the centered position.

Then, the 1980s witnessed an extraordinary boom in cultural turn instead of linguistic turn. The translator and his subjectivity began to attract much attention. French scholar Antoine Berman once said that “Translation criticism must regard the translator as the subject and initiate from it. And he raised the slogan of ‘to the translator’” (Tu Guoyuan & Zhu Xianlong, 2003). More and more scholars began to realize the important role of the translator in the dynamic translating process.

2.2 The translator’s subjectivity

The translator's subjectivity is the subjective initiative represented in the translation activities which aims at the realization of translating purposes. The task of translator is to translate the original text into the target language from the source language by making best use of his subjectivity in a dynamic way and determining his/her translation purpose, what strategies to be adopted, how to treat the text and other issues in the process of translation.

3. An analysis of the translator’s subjectivity based on the two versions

Washington Irving (1783-1859) plays an essential role in American literature. Rural Life in England makes a vivid description of beautiful countryside scenery in England with beautiful language and musical melody. Through analyzing and comparing the two Chinese versions translated by Xia Ji’an and Gao Jian, we can make clear how the translator’s subjectivity are embodied in English prose translation. The thesis tries to analyze the two versions from two aspects: the rhythm and the use of words.

3.1 The translator’s subjectivity manifested in the rhythm

Xu Yuanchong once said that the highest standard of translation should achieve perfectly the beauty of the sound, the form and the meaning. Hence, a translator ought to accurately know well rhythm in prose and probe a way to attain the functional equivalence between the source text and the translated in rhythm. The passage below illustrates the point.

The cherishing and training of some trees; the cautious pruning of others; the nice distribution of flowers and plants of tender and graceful foliage;



This passage has lively sketched the beautiful landscape in England. Both Gao and Xia follow the essential meaning of the original, while their subjectivity brings the readers different aesthetic feelings. Xia transfers the rhythm with quite slow tempo. The sentences are a little longer than that of Gao. Gao translates them into “当植当培,当剪当伐”:The gerunds in English are converted successfully into verbs in Chinese. The two successive four-character phrases bring the readers a short and fast rhythm and create an impressive sound effect.

3.2 The translator’s subjectivity manifested in the use of words

Washington Irving’s prose carries the token of ornament. At the same time, he is very strict and demanding in the wording, especially on the scenery description. The words in the prose are elegant and fresh, beautiful and fluent. Therefore, the use or words can represent the translator’s subjectivity. Taking the following passage for an example:

… as the roads are continually winding, and the view is shut in by groves and hedges, the eye is delighted by a continual succession of small landscapes of captivating loveliness.



From the aspect of the whole effect of the use of wording, the two translators respectively transfer different linguistic features. Generally speaking, four-character phrases are in Chinese people’s good graces for their conciseness, symmetry and melodiousness. Gao employs more four-character phrases than that of Xia. For instance, the sentence “the view is shut in by groves and hedges” displays the two translators’ different strategies of dealing with words. Gao’s version “擦致汤槭币时现” and Xia’s version “树丛篱笆,常常把视线挡住了” form an obvious contrast. The four-character phrase “若隐若现” vividly and exactly recreate the implied meaning of the source text. Such commendatory and mellifluous expressions, like four-character phrases, trigger in readers the yearning and pursuit of beautiful countryside scenery. It can be inferred that while choosing wording the translator’s criteria of aesthetic appreciation, ability of the translator’s bilingual understanding.


From the perspective of the translator’s subjectivity, the thesis analyzes the two Chinese versions of Rural Life in England. While translating, one should also exert his own subjectivity and get rid of the constraints of the source text. Hermeneutics and deconstructionism undoubtably provide a new perspective for prose translation.

Certainly, it is worthwhile to say that the translator can not be independent from the source text. Thus, the translator’s subjectivity must be loyal to the source text. Only the translator masters the two languages and two cultures, can he tactfully select the best expression under the guidance of his subjectivity.


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