
时间:2022-03-11 11:21:00







最早的自行车是有法国Comte de Sivrac伯爵在1790年发明的。伯爵把两个轮子安装在木马上,然后骑在上面蹬地前行,直到1874年,英国人Luosong才在自行车上安装了链条和链轮。其实在汽车出现前的很长一段时间里,自行车始终是贵族娱乐项目之一。

随着内燃机时代的到来,自行车开始远离时尚。但当能源动力统治世界时,自行车又重新成为一种时尚生活方式。越来越多的人将旅行度假与自行车骑行结合在一起。那些有经济能力的骑行发烧友们,他们常常选择全世界最适合骑车的地方作为度假目的地。带着自己的自行车前往阿尔卑斯山,体验雪山间的公路;或者去澳大利亚美丽的大洋路(The Great Ocean Road);前往美国爱达荷州,体验文明世界的海亚瓦沙华沙自行车道(Route of the Hiawatha)等。骑行客们在享受运动的乐趣时,也能体会到与沿途风景融为一体的乐趣。

比如穿越瑞士的Alta Rezia自由行,就是很多欧洲人最钟情的线路。骑行者要游走于瑞士和意大利的边界,沿途经过40多个自然村。除了欣赏自然风景外,还得当心不期而遇的坡路――全程的陡坡路加总起来要有2万多米,以至于很多地方甚至要借助滑雪缆车、吊船和通勤班车来解决。这一路下来,骑行只能算一个主线,它连缀着各种美妙的插曲与风土人情。例如途径阿尔卑斯山时,你必须用远足的方式来应对高山草甸、森林、高寒地域的“轮番攻击”,而自行车只能寄到下一个目的地。



A Noble Game With An Ordinary Vehicle

Polo is no doubt the No.1 sport for the aristocracy. The British successfully combined polo with bicycle which soon became a favored sport for the royal family. Bicycle polo is still popular today. Unlike polo which is particular about horses and venue, bicycle polo is more about skills and team play.

You don’t need complicated gears for the sport: A bicycle, preferably with enhanced handle, frame, pedal, and springs; a T-shaped rattan-handle club; a ball, preferably hockey ball; and two goal gates at each end. At the sound of the whistle, both teams race to the middle field to kick the ball to the goal gate of the competing team.

The rule of the game is also quite flexible, you can adjust the number of players, form of the game, be it time race, or scored race. Isn’t it easy, why not have a try?


Cycling as a sport has very high requirement on gears. For different experiences, you will need different yet the best bicycles.

Time Trial计时赛――

Pinarello GRAAL Crono Aerospace Carbon Torayca


The latest masterpiece for time trials released by Pinarello is the work of immense study on aerodynamics and the result of a “test while design” approach. If offers both electronic and mechanical speed control, Torayca NANOALLOY frame and handle, as well as 6 size + 6 paint options for individual customization.

高科技装――Sportiiiis Glasses运动显示器

High-tech Devices――Sportiiiis Glasses HUD

它能帮你彻底摆脱传统心跳表,让你在高速行进时更加安全,Sportiiiis Glasses的运动显示器搭载了最新的Sportiiiis系统,它可以通过彩色的LED编码向你直观地显示你的心率和运动速度,并提示你的心率是否偏离正常值,非常方便实用。

Sportiiiis Glasses HUD makes healthy monitor on the wheels safer. With the latest Sportiiiis system and multi-colored LED, you will be able to read your heart rate and speed on the go. And it will flash red if you are trying too hard.

Suunto第二代Ambit GPS运动腕表

Suunto Ambit 2 GPS


This smart wristwatch is not built only for health monitoring. It also offers a wide range of functions including distance, speed, and height monitoring as well as GPS and roadmap planning.

在公路上――Look 695 Aerolight

On the Road―Look 695 Aerolight


Look 695 Aerolight is one of the world's lightest yet strongest bicycles. Its patented 1.5k carbon fiber technology makes it light, fast, and strong. It also offers a better feel of aerodynamics when you ride in the wind than on a racing car.

ICEdot头盔式碰撞传感器\ICEdot Crash Sensor


The ICEdot Crash Sensor looks like a yellow sticker, but is no ordinary sticker. Stick it to your helmet and connect to your phone through Bluetooth. When you fall, the sensor will locate your position, evaluate the impact, and send an alert to a preset contact. The alert can be switched off through the ICEdot APP for phones.

Mountain Trail―Trek Session 9.9 DH Bicycle

山地越野――Trek Session 9.9 山地速降车

Trek公司最新推出采用OCLV山地碳纤维材质打造的世上最轻的山地速降车,采用了Fox DRCV叉很大程度地提升了悬架的强度,另外完整的SRAM XX 2X10传动系统让山地车控制起来更加随心所欲。

The latest OCLV carbon fiber Trek product is the world's lightest DH bicycle. It is equipped with the Fox DRCV suspension for enhanced structure and a complete SRAM XX2X10 system for better control.


如果你不喜欢把自己关在场地里打马球,那就来这里吧!谁能想到这样一处优山美地竟是山地自行车公园?想要游览这里,最好的方式就是骑上自行车,在车轮上享受飞驰而过的美景。Bored of playing polo in a closed field, come here! To the bike parks built on beautiful mountains, where the best way to tour around is on two wheels.

意大利 利维尼奥山地自行车公园 \Italy―Mottolino Livigno Bike Park


Livigno is the paradise for outdoor funs. A small town, Livigno is ranked 34th in the world mountain bike park listing. With snow mountains and forests, and bordering the Stelvio National Park and the Sweden National Park, Livigno is also a classic tourism destination attracting tens of thousands of visitors each year. The mountain here is covered with snow 3,000 meters and above and boasts of cliffs and slopes below 3,000 meters, providing the perfect venue for skiing, cycling, and other outdoor sport such as cliff climbing.

中国 密苑云顶乐园\ China―Secret Garden Resorts




As one of the most famous ski resorts in China, the Secret Garden Resorts is located at Chongli County, Zhangjiangkou, over 200km off Beijing. The Beijing-Zhangjiakou joint bidding for the Winter Olympics has put the resort under global spotlight.

Building of the mountain bike park broke ground since summer 2013. With an average altitude of 2,000 meters, the mountains here offer every element for a perfect mountain bike park, slopes, rocks, rubbles, black soil, and forest.

Apart from an over 10km XC trail, other trails in the park are also quite long. The Downhill (DH) trail, for example, is 4.2 km long. And the black soil free range (FR) trail is a challenge to middle and senior level cyclers both technically and physically. New learners are not encouraged to start with the FR trail though.

中国 大连麟道山地车主题公园\ China―Dalian Lingdao Mountain Bike Theme Park



The first standard mountain park in China is founded by former cycler of the National Bayi Team. Cable cars are available for the uphill trip and trails are designed to meet different tastes and difficulties.

Except for its XC trail, all other trails here are around 1km with difficult levels for every level of cyclers. If you are a new learner, professional coaches will help you master the key skills in a special soil slope without the need go uphill. If you know some basics, you can take the cable car uphill to challenge higher levels of trails forest trail, intermediate trail, DS trail, DH trail, curves, jumps, single log bridge, seesaws, plus various fun structures.

加拿大 惠斯勒山地车公园\ Canada―Whistler Mountain Bike Park

惠斯勒,温哥华以北约120千米的小城镇,被黑梳山(Black Comb)和惠斯勒山(Whistler)所环绕,为这里成为北美洲最大面积的山地车公园创造了得天独厚的条件。



Surrounded by the Black Comb Mountain and the Whistler Mountain, The small town 120km north of Vancouver boasts of the largest mountain bike park in North America.

Each year between May and September, the park draws over 100,000 mountain bike lovers, 10 times of the local population. The trails are divided into different difficulty levels marked by names and colors green for easy, blue for difficult, black for very difficult, and two black hearts for extremely difficult. A unique feature here is each trail is dived into different sections where you can take a break after one section and continue on a different trail. Haven’t brought your bike? No worries. In the shops around the downhill square, you can find everything you need, be it bike, helmet, or vest, for hire and for sale.

新西兰 伍德山山地自行车公园\ New Zealand―Woodhill Mountain Bike Park




A 35 minute drive west of Auckland, the Woodhill Mountain Bike Park is built for mountain bike lovers who seek the thrill and limitless fun of mountain biking.

Catering to the needs of mountain biking, the Woodhill Mountain Bike Park is a Mecca for mountain bike enthusiasts in New Zealand. It offers more than 50 short trails, a 150km single lane trail, over 200 structures, and many blocks. Trails are designed for different difficulty levels. Coaches are available for new learners.

The blocks in the park are designed and placed for different levels of mountain bike lovers.

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