非同凡响的布拉格 Prague—Simply Unbelievable

时间:2022-02-28 05:14:35

The Mother of Cities, the City of Spires, the Golden City—prague has many nicknames[绰号], and for good reason. From Gothic注1 to Modern and every architectural style in between, there’s an incredible building around every corner of the Czech capital.

Take, for example the Old Town Square. First developed in the 12th century, it is home to the beautiful Church of Our Lady before Tyn注2. At the top of the Old Town Hall sits the six-hundred-year-old Astronomical Clock with its complex dial[钟面] representing the earth, sun, moon and zodiac[十二宫图].

Across the Charles Bridge sits Prague’s most famous attraction, the Prague Castle. The largest ancient castle in the world, it was first constructed in AD 870. Since then, it has been renovated[修复] and rebuilt several times because of wars, fires and the tastes of new kings. The castle is a must-see for visitors. It contains two churches, several residences and no less than five palaces, all stocked[储存] with cultural and artistic treasures. Like all good castles, it even has a moat[护城河].

Of course, Prague is famous for more than just buildings. For centuries, it has been one of the hottest cultural centers in Europe. In 1787, Mozart’s famous opera, Don Giovanni, premiered in the city. Famous Czech writers who were either born or studied in Prague include Franz Kafka, Rainer Maria Rilke and Milan Kundera注3.

In 1989, Prague became a center of bohemian注4 lifestyle. Thousands of writers, artists and students from around the world flocked[涌入] to the city. They took advantage of its cheap food, rent and beer. All day and night, they hung out in cafes and bars reading poetry and talking about art.

The city is more touristy[适合观光的] now than in the 1990s. The city center has been cleaned up and hotel costs are increasing. However, visiting students and twenty-somethings can still get a taste of the bohemian lifestyle in a Prague neighborhood called Zizkov. A mix of rough bars and trendy[流行的] nightclubs, budget stores and boutiques[小商店], it resembles[像] New York’s hip East Village注5, giving just about everyone something to experience in Prague.





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