Current Situation and Countermeasure of English Listening Teaching in College

时间:2022-02-25 08:10:25

Abstract:This paper analyzes some factors that affect English listening learning in college and gives the countermeasure of improving English listening ability.

Key words:English Listening; basic knowledge; background knowledge; intensive listening; extensive listening

中图分类号:H319 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1672-1578(2013)12-0007-01

1 Introduction

Input and output process of language information is the process of communication, listening is the input process while speaking is the output process. Only effective input produces effective output. At present, most of the college students are weak in listening comprehension, so this paper tries to analyze the current situation of college English listening and to find the countermeasure.

2 Current situation and influencing factor of college English listening

2.1 Weak basic knowledge

One of the important reasons is the weak basic

knowledge. As is shown in the following aspects:

Lack of phonetic knowledge. Most students can not differentiate the sound of many words because they are short of phonetic knowledge.

Lack of vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of the key factors in language learning. Students at large have difficulty in listening comprehension because of weakness in vocabulary. It makes students miss the vital information because they cannot help thinking about the Chinese meaning of the unfamiliar words when doing the listening exercises.

Lack of grammar. Most people think that grammar

knowledge is very important in reading and writing but not in listening practice. In fact, it will have an effect on the listening comprehension that students can’t grasp the grammar points in listening materials.

2.2 Limitation of Chinese thinking and lack of background knowledge

Lots of students don’t have the habit of thinking in English in learning process. They often translate the content they have heard in Chinese while listening. This way of thinking absolutely affects the listening speed and comprehension ability.

English listening material involves an extensive sphere, which includes geography, politics, education, astronomy, religion, etc. It will be an obstacle that students will not predict and theorize the whole content of English listening if they lack cross-cultural background knowledge.

2.3 Environmental factors

English is the second language to students, so they have difficulty in studying process because of lack of language environment. Students of non-English major only have 4 lessons a week for studying English. However, it is utterly inadequate to study English. Moreover, most students never find or create the language learning environment.

2.4 Stereotyped teaching model

Teacher plays an important role in teaching process. Actually, many teachers often use the three-step process: explaining vocabulary―listening materials―checking answers. This kind of stereotyped teaching model can’t improve the students’ integration capability in English listening but let them lose interest on English.

3 Countermeasure of improving listening level

3.1 To strengthen the basis of language knowledge

Basis of language knowledge is the key to listening learning, which includes phonetics, vocabulary, grammar and so on. First of all, because students lack phonetic knowledge, teacher should help them review the knowledge that they have learned before, correct the wrong habit on pronunciation and set up a right system of pronunciation. Secondly, teacher should strengthen their vocabularies. Teacher can help students set a specific proper goal of vocabulary without reciting mechanically, which students should recite the vocabularies in sound, formation and meaning or throughout the comparison with synonym, antonym, homonym and homophone. In addition, students should enhance to practice and learn the basic grammar structure knowledge.

3.2 To improve the teaching model and enhance the comprehensive application ability of English

Students may learn passively in stereotyped teaching model, which cannot motivate them to learn. So, teacher must change this kind of teaching model to bring the students subjective initiative of learning. Teacher may combine the listening skill with other skills to create the rich activities. These basic skills link with each other closely. In teaching process, teacher may pick out some idiomatic videos that are closely related to the real life and present them to students with multimedia equipment.

3.3 To combine intensive listening with extensive listening

Students cannot improve their listening skill without practice listening. There are two ways in listening practice, which are called intensive listening and extensive listening. These two ways supplement each other. Nothing but practicing by combing with them can improve the students’ listening skill in all aspects.

4 Conclusion

In order to improve their listening ability, teacher should synthesize all kinds of factors to motivate students to learn English listening gradually.

上一篇:浅谈初中英语词汇教学的策略 下一篇:试谈中学英语教学中学生文化意识的培养