
时间:2022-02-23 09:57:43

Santa Claus is now a tattooed, tough-talking chap[家伙] who teams up with warrior versions of the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy注1, as well as young Jack Frost注2 to keep Jude Law’s scary bogeyman[(吓小孩的)大老妖], Pitch, from taking over the world. “This is kind of the Justice League注3 of childhood,” Alec Baldwin, who dubs[配音] Santa Claus, says of DreamWorks Animation’s offbeat[反传统的] take on the beloved mythological[神话的] figures. “They might not be fit, gleaming[使闪烁] action heroes, but they all have a bit of an edge[具有优势] to them. They’re not all sweet or syrupy[糖浆似的].”

Author and illustrator[插画家] William Joyce(who won an Oscar this year for the animated short The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore) co-adapted the film from his own book series that re-imagines these familiar icons.“In my mind, Santa was always bigger than life and had an element of James Bond to him,”says Joyce, who also served as executive producer. “He can do amazing stuff, and he has all sorts of cool gadgets[小玩意].” But criminals, beware: he can shake you like a bowl full of jelly.





注3:正义联盟是DC漫画(DC Comics)创造的漫画英雄团队,大部分成员都是DC漫画中受欢迎的人物,包括:超人、蝙蝠侠、神奇女郎、闪电侠、绿灯侠、水行侠和火星猎人等。

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