Han Geng Struggles Hard in Entertainment Circle等4则

时间:2022-02-23 12:19:43

Han Geng Struggles Hard in Entertainment Circle

Han Geng (韩庚) is a pretty, simple and honest Chinese boy. As a member of Super Junior, a Korean boy band popular throughout Asia, he is the first Chinese artist who has ever become successful in the mainstream artistic community in South Korea. With four years’ consistent efforts, he has established himself in the entertainment circle (娱乐圈). Last year, Super Junior won many awards such as the Best New Player and the Most Popular Group of the year. Because of this, people have begun to pay their attention to this smiling Chinese boy, and wonder how he has survived from the fierce competition in this field.

Han Geng has an unusual story to tell. At the age of 19, he came to Korea alone. Before that, he had received 6 years’ training in dancing as an excellent student in the Dancing Department of Central University for Nationalities(中央民族学院). In spite of that, he had to start from zero in everything, even in dancing. Once he practiced dancing for as long as 20 hours.

As a professional dancer, Han Geng is a little too thin. Thus, he has suffered from injury in practice many times. For example, he once experienced bone fracture(骨折) in his arm due to violent dancing movement. It was found out only later when he went to see a doctor after he felt pain in his arm while doing push-up (俯卧撑) in a gym. The doctor told him that the fracture might have occurred two months before and that the bone had recovered, but unfortunately in an irregular way. Now he can still hear cracks when lifting up his arm. Fortunately, it does not affect his performance greatly.

Wang Han Continues Study while Recovering from Illness

Faced with the rumor that he has contracted hepatitis (感染肝炎), Wang Han (汪涵) corrects the statement by saying that there is only something wrong with his liver. But the doctor warns that it would develop into cirrhosis (肝硬化) without good care. So, nowadays, Mr. Wang is living a regular life, with enough time for rest. He gets up early and goes to bed early. Besides, he receives three injections and takes 30 pills every week to maintain a balance in the essential elements within his body. He has lost weight by about 12 jin and this situation will probably continue, he says. Due to the side effects (副作用) of medicine, he may also lose his hair. But he is not worried about that at all, thinking that he should present (呈现) his true self before the public without being afraid of damaging his image.

Once in a talk show program this year, Wang Han had a lot of blood running down from his nose. So he decided to take a rest for a month. But he was so important to the success of the program that he had to stop his vacation earlier. During the vacation, he thought a lot. He believes that, in spite of his great success in the entertainment circle, what he has presented to the public is not what he really wants. He feels that he is now in a very critical stage or a bottleneck (瓶颈) and that he needs more time to study for a breakthrough.

Recently, Mr. Wang has been reading “Four Books and Five Confucian Classics”(四书五经), from which he says he has learnt a lot. He has also told reporters that he likes a poem by Gu Cheng(顾城), in which it is said to the effect (大意是说) that just like grass producing seeds and wind shaking leaves, it is very nice for people to simply stand without saying anything. He believes that an anchor is in a similar situation, that is, the less talk, the better.

Vitas? Vitas!

Almost overnight, the music of Vitas, a Russian tenor (男高音),has become very popular on the Internet. People are fascinated by his dolphin-like voice and mysterious stories behind him.

Some of the most popular stories about him are both astonishing and unbelievable. He is the youngest singer to hold an individual concert in Kremlin (克里姆林宫). He is mysterious because he never accepts an interview with the media (媒体). So nobody knows what his true name is and where he lives. He stays in an underground room and comes out at dusk to create his music. When he sings, his voice can reach such a high degree that it’s hard to tell whether it is a man’s or a woman’s. His eyes are so attractive that you will certainly lose yourself in surprise when having an eye contact with him. He likes fish very much. Because of this, some people even guess that he might have a branchia (鳃) to be able to produce such a high voice. It is extremely unbelievable that he is also a fashion designer.

Last June, he stayed in Tibet () for three weeks. After hearing his songs, the monks from India were greatly shocked, saying that he might be the rebirth (转世) of a famous Indian poet, musician and philosopher (哲学家) in the eleventh century.

Are the stories about him true? Or are they just made up by his producers to attract people’s attention? Such questions may never be answered. But it is really a fact that his magnetic voice attracts millions of people!

Four Strange Great Singers

It is said in an article that the four strange great singers in the world should be Luciano Pavarotti (帕瓦罗蒂) from Italy, Michael Jackson (迈克尔•杰克逊) from USA, Vitas from Russia and Kong Tai (孔太) from China. It is well-known that Pavarotti died not long ago. And Jackson is on the decline. So, now the focus of attention is on Vitas and Kong Tai. The former is a rising star and the latter has retired from the singing circle to travel around the world. This shift of focus is mainly due to the fact that, when Vitas made a performing tour in China, some fans made a comparison between him and Kong Tai in terms of voice quality.

There are some interesting details with all of the four great singers in their performance. Everybody knows that Pavarotti always brings some rusty nails with him; Jackson always has some bottles of oxygen ready. It is rumored that Vitas’ high voice can break glasses and Kong Tai can twist a stainless spoon with one hand or both when he becomes too excited or sings in the highest voice, for which he has applied for Guinness (吉尼斯) World Records.


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