A Sport Event Management Model based on Knowledge Management

时间:2022-02-08 07:00:57

Abstract. This paper categorizes the three models of traditional sport events as flat, vertical and network. The last one shares the largest advantage in the present time while can not avoid self disadvantages like complicated structure, extreme high standard coordination, information base confusion and so on. The KM-SM model has been raised as innovation of model based upon knowledge management, which not only solve the bottle neck problem but also predict the future trend of the sport event management thus ensuring its sustainability and progress.

Key words: knowledge management; sport event; management model

1. Introduction

With the pursuit of health and sports entertainment, sports activities, enriching people's spiritual life, is playing a more and more important role in the position of human society. Especially with the growing trend of globalization, the development of sports becomes more diversified. Sports activities, whether small, regional or global, there is a corresponding management model in finite element analysis. For example, single, complete functions, such as Manchester united [1]. Success of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games sports events to make China's management practice of rapid progress. It also provides a number of cases, sports management research. However, the domestic study of sports management to form bright contrast to the practice of the Beijing Olympic Games. That is, the current domestic sports management theory can't absorb and reference to international and world advanced practice of the Olympic Games; they cannot extract the domestic sports organization theory guidance activities from the Beijing Olympic Games. On the analysis of the success of the 2008 Olympic Games, a new management concept and management methods: knowledge management is to acknowledge that a key factor that makes it can learn experience from international practice activities. A lot of valuable report and concluded after the games [2]. Need to point out that the requirements of the knowledge management, this paper introduces the current international Olympic committee, authorized authorities Olympic Games played a pivotal role in, to ensure the success of the Olympic Games from all over the world [3]. In contrast, other sports events held at the same time have a trouble. There is an urgent need to the improvement and the innovation of management mode, in order to meet new requirements. This paper fully understands the meaning of knowledge management, knowledge management introduced in China that will inspire the practice. In view of this, this article think, we should first make scientific classification and comparison, sports management mode, then we should learn from the advanced experience of the Olympic Games, the innovation management model at present sports events from the perspective of knowledge management.

2. The Status And Problems Of The Sport Event Management

According to the institution management theory as well as sport management theory, the paper divides the sport event management models into Flat (Figure 1), Vertical (Figure 2) and Network type (Figure 3).

Figure 1 Flat Model of Sport Event

Figure 3 Network Model of Sport Event

The three types of sport event management models: Flat, vertical, and Network have for a long time helped sports event practices. But with the information age coming and new technologies constantly entering into the major sport events, the drawbacks of these three models appear obviously. The following table makes a comparison:

Table 1 Comparison of Three Models of Sport Event

In the flat type, the concentration of outstanding issues autonomy.Although model is variable, flexible, organization structure shows its drawbacks, any like simple, one cannot undertake sports management tasks. Because of the small level organization and structure is simple, it is easy to transfer information and communication within the organization. But in the course of transmission, a lack of intellectual resources is inevitable, it is the defect of the building itself, inevitable.

In vertical type, transfer and sharing information is the main problem. The information cannot be precise and effective communication in such a multi-level structure. This will usually lead to all kinds of error information distortion due and the poor of the transmission. The knowledge accumulation, exchange and profits have even the untranslatability.

Network type holds the very stable horizontal and vertical structure. But such a cross structure can easily cause disorder internal information, and even cause disruption of the work. A large amount of information within the organization can't produce benefit, but produce negative influence and hinder the progress of the event organization [4].

Therefore, without a flat type, vertical model or network model can meet the demand of modern sports development, especially related to the mass information processing and knowledge sharing, and considering the events of the diversity and complexity of the interests of the participants. Therefore, sports management must adapt itself to the changing times and development. This is an inevitable on new subject words, new areas and new thinking into activity management model [5].

3. Km-Sm Model: A New Model Of Sport Event Management

KM-SM including four closely related units, the government, enterprises, activity management committee and knowledge management authority jointly responsible for management and operation of a given sports events. In the cooperation, and as a restrict each other. In the simulation test, the government provides guidance; Knowledge management institutions provide coordination; Event management committee to carry out, the enterprise has full access to the effort. The new model is complementary to the traditional management to make the whole effort more efficient (figure 4).

Figure 4 KM-SM Model

"Strength" is by no means the "government" or "the government". KM-SM model, the government is providing macro-guidance, and fully supports and decision-making of any particular sports events arrangement, the other partners have clear tasks and goals.

In KM-SM necessary, knowledge management of the key factors in the body also is recognition model and the traditional management mode. Knowledge management agency's mission is to: first of all, clear tacit knowledge of the four cooperation model of factors, it through the socialization or discussion and transform it into system expounds knowledge Shared by the certain technology platform; second, create a necessary organization environment, so as to promote the recessive knowledge visit [6].

The committee needs not only the objective and the operation according to the target set by the government, but also need to play a leading role fully, enterprise in the effort. In addition, it should optimize the coordination; ensure quality management [7].

In addition to its unique responsibility, enterprise also plays a key role KM-SM model under take care of many projects, impossible or does not accord with the government's behaviour. Provide service, relevant enterprise irreplaceable. Future efforts, the best employ professional enterprise according to the project requirements. The ability of the enterprise and resources can help the government from the dual-responsibility's plight.

As mentioned above the KM-SM model is composed of government, knowledge management bodies, event management committee and enterprises. They are functioning at different levels from macro, medium to micro through mechanisms of integration, expertise, coordination and estimation (figure 5).

Figure 5 KM-SM Operation Mechanism

4. Conclusion

The model KM-SM can inspire strength of the government, knowledge management institutions, activity management organization and enterprise; let his power to full play. In addition, this will help form a proper planning of regional economic development, encourage enterprises to participate in the zeal of the advantages of knowledge management and reference the combination of body, and guarantee the operation of the sports events. High-tech times, the era of knowledge economy, KM-SM would be the first choice in the management of the sports events.

5. References

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