
时间:2022-02-07 05:05:45




中图分类号: TP391.4文献标志码:A

OMR image segmentation based on mutation signal detection

MA Lei1,2, LIU Jiang1,2*, LI Xiao.peng1,2, CHEN Xia1,2

1. Shandong Engineering Research Institute for Image Acquisition and Processing, Jinan Shandong 250101,China;

2. Shandong Shanda Oumasoft Company Limited, Jinan Shandong 250101,China


Aiming at the problem of accurate positioning of Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) images without any position information, an image segmentation approach based on wavelet transformation mutations signal detection is proposed. Firstly the horizontal and vertical projective operation are processed, then these functions are transformed by wavelet and detected point mutation, these points are a better description of the boundary of OMR information. This algorithm adaptability based on limited times of wavelet transform and mutations signal detection. The experimental results demonstrate that the method possesses high accuracy of segmentation and stability, the mean square error of segmentation accuracy can be 0.4167 pixels. The processing of this method was efficient because the segmentation only based the horizontal and vertical information. This algorithm was not sensitive to noise because of projection functions statistic characteristic and multi-resolution analysis of wavelet.

Concerning the accurate positioning of Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) images without any position information, an image segmentation approach of mutation signal detection based on wavelet transformation was proposed. Firstly, the horizontal and vertical projective operations were processed, and then these functions were transformed by wavelet to detect mutation points, which can better reflect the boundary of OMR information. This algorithms adaptability is based on limited times of wavelet transform and mutation signal detection. The experimental results demonstrate that the method possesses high accuracy of segmentation and stability, and the mean square error of segmentation accuracy can be 0.4167 pixels. The processing of this method is efficient because the segmentation only used the horizontal and vertical information. This algorithm is not sensitive to noise because of the statistic characteristic of projection functions and multi.resolution characteristic of wavelet tranformation.

Key words:

Optical Mark Recognition (OMR); wavelet transformation; image segmentation; singularity detection; multiresolutlon analysis

0 引言

光学标记识别(Optical Mark Recognition, OMR)技术具有快速简单、识别率高且成本低的特点,被大量应用于考试、票据、报表、普查等领域,具有很高的应用价值。OMR 一般由定位标记和选项识别区两部分构成[1],早期的OMR采集技术使用光学感应设备直接对信息卡上的涂点进行对应采集识别,随着高速图像采集设备的发展,出现了基于图像的OMR采集方式,其方法是首先对信息卡进行信息采集,得到数字图像,使用图像处理对涂点进行识别处理,转化为数字信息。传统的OMR信息卡都含有对填涂区域分割起到关键作用的定位信息[2],能够方便地对图像进行分割。然而,随着2004年全国高考领域数字化网上阅卷的兴起,基于图像的OMR识别关键技术也成为相关人员的研究重点,这些技术不断向中学领域扩展并研发出针对普通学校的OMR识别技术,大部分中学领域采用了无标记定位信息的OMR识别技术,针对无标记定位信息的自动分割方法的研究却一直处于空白状态,因此信息卡填涂区的分割定位问题具有重要研究意义。



应用领域非常广泛,例如输油管线的泄露检测[9]、生物工程学中的尖刺信号检测[10]及人体心电信号(Electro Cardio Graph,ECG)处理[11]。


1 小波变换与突变信号检测


上一篇:基于小波变换的彩色图像RGB分量同分裂编码算法 下一篇:高性能计算机系统电源设计